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Jump to Oldest Message Button - Agent Workspace
Posted Jun 16, 2022
Feature Request Summary:
Zendesk Support should have a button (like the current 'jump to latest message' button in the Agent Workspace) that would let you similarly jump through the conversation to the very oldest message.
Description/Use Cases:
The use case would be to reference critical information at the beginning of a given exchange. Just like the jump to latest message allows you to skip the whole conversation, we would love to see the same thing to be able to skip the whole conversation and get to the beginning. Another option that would be great would be to be able to supress different replies or internal notes so that conversations can be kept shorter also.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
Our agents often have to reference critical information that is compiled in internal notes upon ticket creation, so as tickets get long it can be time consuming to have to scroll all the way back up. A similar and opposite functionality of the latest message button would be incredible and save tons of time.
Amisha Sharma
Hello everyone,
Excited to share with you that Modernized Conversational Experience beta is now accepting sign ups:
We will be addressing the pain point expressed in this post as well as part of this beta. Inviting all of you to have your admin sign up to opt into this beta to provide us early feedback. Thanks!
Dave Dyson
Tino R.
Of course @...!
One more thing I would like to add just in case it would be easier to make it on the roadmap at some point -- I understand that not every customer would benefit from something like this, so even having the ability in the Admin Center to turn on this feature would be awesome, so that not all customers are impacted if this is introduced.
David Persky
Upvoted, please introduce.
Amisha Sharma
Thanks for providing feedback.
We're happy to let you know that we are introducing a redesigned conversation experience, which will include this new button. We would be happy to share more in the next few weeks. Thanks!