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Amend App Timing Out Error Notification

Posted Aug 01, 2022

Feature Request Summary: 

Zendesk should amend the error message "An app has timed out and has prevented the submission of the ticket. For more information, please contact your Zendesk administrator." to include more information on the app in question.

Description/Use Cases: 

Agents will receive this message which prevents them from submitting tickets and seek assistance from our Zendesk administrators, however the error does not provide any information which we can use to resolve the issue. In the end we can only suggest to load Zendesk without apps (adding ?noapps in the URL). 

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

When agents across our entire instance of Zendesk are receiving this error which prevents them from submitting tickets, we need to know the specific app which is causing the issue for next steps. Amending the error to include the app name is a small thing which would give us visibility on what specifically is causing the issue, and provide next steps for troubleshooting (whether that is disabling the app or contacting the app developer).




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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Nick,

Thanks for reaching out!

Generally, the name of the specific app that is causing the issue will be presented to the user in the error notification that is generated. In this case, it appears that there are a small subset of apps that are slipping past the keeper and causing the app name to be obfuscated in the error notification. 

I can see you have an ongoing ticket with our team who should help with getting the ball on the right side of the field, but if you have any questions, feel free to let me know.




Is there a way to extend or remove this time out for specific apps

We are holding it with a promise, but want to hold it until promise is resolved


We have had the same issue today. Our Agent only has one app available Zignatures and was only typing a quick reply to the requester which would not send.  


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