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Help Center: Can't retrieve selected article ID


Posted Aug 10, 2022

Working on iOS Zendesk help center SDK and trying to get user tapped article id. Listening to "ZD_HC_ArticleByIdSuccess" notification, but there is no inside this notification call. No id is being passed. How I can retrieve it?




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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Georgiy,
Just so I can make sure to give you the best method, what are you looking to do with this data?



I need to track and analyse which articles are the most popular and so on. Need to get ID of selected article


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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Georgiy,

Odd that isn't working for you then. Can you provide me a code snippet of how you're implementing this call? 




Expected to have something like let id = notification.userInfo["articleId"]


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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Georgiy,
That's what I'd expect as well. I'm going to sync up with the mobile-dev team to see if it's expected that response is empty. If it is, I'll find some alternatives to pull this info.

Thanks for your patience!


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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Georgiy,

The mobile-dev team asked if you'd be able to create a demo app recreating your issue to assist with them debugging. Is this something you can do? 



Hey, Eric! Ive created a small test app that describes this behaviour, however I have to clean all the sensitive info, so you will need a credentials such as appId / clientId / url to be filled in AppDelegate.

You can contact me on or using telegram: georgiiprok or can use your own credentials, doesn't matter

link for app:





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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Georgiy,

Thanks for passing this along! I'll use my own creds for testing. I'll be digging into this Friday morning with the SDK dev team, I'll let you know what we find!


Hey, Eric! Is there any solution or updates on this?


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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Georgiy,

Unfortunately I've got some bad news. I've been working with the dev team on this and it is expected that these notifications are empty. I've had them update the documentation to reflect that here in the "Before you start" section. They advised me that the only way to accomplish would be for you to build a custom UI using the API Providers to capture this information. 
Sorry that I couldn't be of more help on this.


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