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Ability to add a custom and standard column to my requests page
Posted Oct 12, 2022
It would be nice to have the ability to manage the My requests page by adding custom and standard columns instead just having the default view. Our customer use ZD for multiple tickets such as Support, Product, Enhancements, etc. so it would be good to add "Ticket Type" column to their view.
Lexi Addams
We want this so badly. The ability to edit the page, as an end user. Whether they can view their own tickets or their organization's tickets, the ability to add/remove columns to the My Activity page has been asked for by our clients several times over the years. I would think adding columns wouldn't be too complicated; we would just want to ensure the column choices are only the ones we have marked as 'view by end user' and not the ones we have as 'agent-only' fields. Our use case is: The end user can view their organization's ticket. They want to be able to filter/view a custom ticket field we have called Ticket Form. I.E. Request a Report, Enhancement Request, Report a Problem, etc. This will enhance the management of the ticket backlog.
Tarang Jain
Hi Team,

It would be nice to have the ability to manage the My requests page by adding custom and standard columns instead just having the default view under "organisation request" section. Our customers use ZD for multiple tickets such as Support, Product, Enhancements, etc. so it would be good to add some more objects like organisation, ticket category, Merchant severity columns and also feasibility to change the date format like 2024-05-14T09:12 under "organisation request" section, I want to add these columns and perform changes related to date format.
Viviana Meli
Hi Team,
I would also like to have the ability to customize the columns displayed in the My requests list page.
However, I noticed an issue: the list of selectable columns includes ticket fields that are configured as not visible to end users.
Even though these fields are not populated when selected, they should not appear as selectable options at all, in order to align with their visibility settings. This creates confusion for users and potentially exposes internal field names that were meant to remain hidden.
It would be helpful if Zendesk could ensure that only fields explicitly marked as "visible to end users" are shown in the column selection dropdown.