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First Reply time SLA - skipping the auto reply


Posted Nov 17, 2022

Hello, we use a trigger to auto-reply (public comment) to all the tickets we receive, this is considered by the SLA as a first reply time, how can we skip this, and consider the actual reply (public comment) by an agent is the first reply time and calculate upon it.

Another issue we are facing is that if the user sent a ticket, got the auto-reply, then added an additional comment right after it, the time is switching to "Next reply time" SLA metric, while it shouldn't be the case here since the agent did not reply yet even.




How is your trigger configured? We do the same in our company (a 'thank you for contacting us' kind of thing) but the way I have our trigger setup is Action > email user > requester and CC's. This emails the person that sent the email, but it doesn't add that email to the ticket.

If this is how you have yours setup as well, but it's not doing what you want, can you attach a screenshot of how your trigger is setup? This will help determine what needs to be changed. 


It works with tickets sent by users as emails and I will follow your advice but doesn't work with tickets from the mobile app help center


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