Salesforce Integration - Add support for lookup relationship fields
Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator
Posted Dec 07, 2022
Feature Request Summary:
Zendesk now finally has relationship fields! We can now model the kinds of hierarchical relationships present in Salesforce. Please build support to leverage lookup fields to automatically populate with related accounts from Salesforce.
Description/Use Cases:
Being able to associate relationships would allow for better reporting and agent awareness when handling tickets. Being able to see what other accounts a user is related to and how they're related would be very valuable. It would also help align reports better between SF and Zendesk
1 comment
David Gillespie
Hi Dan R.,
Thank you for the feedback on our Salesforce integration!
I've captured your request as a feature request for the integration, we don't have an active roadmap for the product at the moment but we will look to include this with the next round of updates.