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How to receive email notification upon assigned to me (Trigger setting)

Posted Feb 11, 2023

Hi everyone!! 

I wonder about Trigger function of <Notify Agents> 


1. How to receive email notification when ticket is assgined to a specific person

- Assignee / Changed

- Assignee / is not / (current user)


2. How to receive email notification when end users comment additionally

- Comment is Present (public or private)

- Assignee is not (current user)

- Assignee is not (requester)

- Assignee / Not changed

- Status category / Not changed from / Solved


Q1. Is there a way to activate above Triggers per brand?

Q2. What I want to achieve is for agents to get notified when the ticket is assigned.

However, based on the default setting as above, there are some elements where it does not make sense. Does anyone know? 

Shouldn't it be below?

- Assignee / Changed

- Assignee / is / (current user)?! 


Please let me know if anyone knows the answer~!





I struggled with the same before. Everyone suggested the Notify app:


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Chandra Robrock

Most Helpful - 2021Community Moderator

For your first question, would adding a Brand is / is not condition to your triggers work for your needs? 

In terms of your second question, the Assignee | Is not | (current user) prevents this trigger from firing if an agent (i.e. the current user) assigns the ticket to themselves. For example, if an agent is viewing a ticket and clicks the take it link, this condition is not met. However, if someone else assigns a ticket to an agent or if the ticket is assigned by another means (i.e. trigger), then this trigger will fire to send the Assignee an email notification.

You could always remove that condition though. It would just mean that individuals would receive an email notification, even if they assigned the ticket to themselves.

I hope that helps!


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