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Feature Request: Suspended Ticket View - cause of suspension "Detected as spam"

Posted Mar 06, 2023

The system recognizes tickets to be Spam and displays them with the cause of suspension "Detected as spam", which is fine. Very much of what the system filters out is actually spam. So, in general, we are fine with the function.

When a ticket from a new sender with this cause of suspension arrives the first time we recover it and mark it as Spam. We have to do it this way for 2 reasons:

  • because there is a limited amount of space in the block list. We try to only add domains, but no full email addresses, to our block list.
  • Spamers use free email addresses like gmail. Some of our SME customers use them as well. Therefore we cannot add gmail (or any other free email domain) to our block list.

This brings me to the issue: the next time the now blocked sender is sending an email, the system recognizes it again with the cause of suspension "Detected as spam”. Naturally, because usually the nature of the ticket remains the same unwanted spam.

There is also the cause of suspension “Email is from a blocklisted sender or domain”, however the system stops processing at "Detected as spam”. The system reliably detects that it is spam, as described above. However, when checking the Suspended Ticket view, we have no indication, whether we have already blocked the sender. Therefore, we have to check each suspended ticket with "Detected as spam” individually each time. wich is of course very time consuming. 




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