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Feature Request: Triggers Conditions & End-User Mgmt when receiving emails from other ticketing systems

Posted Mar 06, 2023

We are facing an issue with several customers, which are using ticketing systems. These ticketing systems are used, similarly to Zendesk, to create tickets upon arrival of our email (public reply out of Zendesk). Once the customer responds, each reply is arriving with a random new email address/end-user creating a new ticket. We have not found a proper way to automatically handle these requesters, especially when trying to build a suitable trigger.

One of the issues is that Zendesk does not offer the possibility to build triggers based on the from: email address nor the reply-to: address (or parts of it, e.g. the domain). We can also not simply add the domain to an organization, because we have several organizations sharing the same domain.

 We would want to assign the tickets to either a group or agent, change the status and set a ticket category (all actions available in triggers). Also we would want to automatically assign the new requester to the proper organization (however as mentioned above not by adding the domain to one organization). Ideally, we would want to merge these end-users into one.

However, as mentioned above, there are no suitable conditions available, neither for a trigger, not for dealing with the end-users.

What are Zendesk’s plans to address the topic of communication with other ticketing systems? We believe we cannot be the only customer facing this issue?



1 comment

Hi Pat,

I'm curious if you were ever able to find a solution for this?  Is there any common language used in the notificatios of the external system that could help to categorize the tickets?  I've had some success previously using the trigger condition for ‘Subject line contains' or ‘Comment text contains’ to match text in the notification or the signature.



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