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Testing {{request_list}} as and End-user
Posted Jun 29, 2023
I have added this handlebar: {{request_list}} to my "requests_page.hbs" file in order to test the option of adding custom fields to "My activities" view in the Help Center.
It looks great!
But when I have tested it as "end user" (from the Preview Mode or when I assumed an end-user identity) I was able to choose displaying internal fields .
I checked that with Zendesk representative - and it was figured out this is happen since the system still identify me as an admin, and this is not happening to a "real" end-user.
I almost skipped using that feature as I was afraid to allow end-users to see sensitive fields.
Will appreciate if that can be fixed.
1 comment
Arianne Batiles
Hi Ayelet Haiventriger,
Yes, only fields that are accessible by end-users should be displayed unless the identity being assumed during the time of previewing the page is an agent. I can create a ticket on our behalf to in order to discuss this further with you. Kindly check your email for updates. Thank you!