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Adjust the trend line for the second metric in a combination chart
Posted Jun 29, 2023
I am trying to create a column combination chart where the columns show the number of tickets and the line shows the percentage of tickets that meet a criteria. I have this all working as you can see in the screenshot but the problem is that I want to change the start values of the trend line so I can have it moved up toward the top of the columns more. Ideally I would like the right side of the screen to show the values for the line like the left side shows for the values of the columns. Is there a way to do this in ZD?
1 comment
David Stalker
Hi Joe,
Instead of the Trend option for the percentage metric, select the Dual axis option.
Then you will be able to change the Secondary axes options from the Chart configuration button (the paintbrush) on the right. You can change the min. and max. for the secondary axis to alter how high the line is presented on your chart.
Hope that helps.