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preview theme with zcli in WSL

Posted Oct 19, 2023

I am trying to run $zcli themes:preview from WSL, but am running into this error:


> zcli themes:preview
Uploading theme... Ok
const { subdomain, domain } = await new zcli_core_1.Auth().getLoggedInProfile();

TypeError: Cannot destructure property ’subdomain’ of ’(intermediate value)’ as it is undefined.
at Server.<anonymous> (/home/cooket/.nvm/versions/node/v16.14.2/lib/node_modules/@zendesk/zcli/node_modules/@zendesk/zcli-themes/dist/commands/themes/preview.js:60:21)


> export

> zcli themes:preview
Uploading theme... !
Error: write EPROTO 140457630816192:error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1546:SSL alert number 40




This is using a raw Copenhagen theme and the most up to date zcli with node v16.13.1 (npm v8.1.2). This output happened with API credentials set in environment variables ZENDESK_EMAIL and ZENDESK_API_TOKEN, but I had previously tried basic auth too. At any rate, I don't think this is an auth error as I was getting a 403 before realising I had incorrectly set my email.


Assuming the first output has the correct subdomain set of "cbchelp", and not "", right?




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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Theodore,

This may have something to do with the current limitations around ZCLI and WSL. Here's a link to the repo that goes in to more detail. Let me know if any of these scenarios apply in your case.


All those known issues are related to logging in and profiles, but I am using environment variables for credentials, so i'm guessing that profile functionality is bypassed. Could you check if the profiles code is still called even when using environment variables for credentials as I mentioned in the OP?


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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Theodore,

I see there's an issue that's been raised in the ZCLI repo that's identical to yours. I'm going to have the dev team look in to this to get the issue resolved as soon as possible and will keep you updated as I have more info. 


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