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Open an existing ticket form within Zendesk iOS SDK UI

Posted Oct 20, 2023


We would like to open a request form with a specific ticket_form_id within iOS SDK UI either via RequestUI.buildRequestUI OR via helpCenterUI.buildHelpCenterUI. We are not able to take user to that for within the iOS Mobile SDK.

We tried:

let requestUiConfig = RequestUiConfiguration()

requestUiConfig.ticketFormID = NSNumber(integerLiteral: 208xxxxxxxxxxx)

let requestController = RequestUi.buildRequestUi(with: [requestUiConfig])

self.present(asModalRoot: requestController)

 But it only opens a simple contact screen with messaging box and NOT the actual form. I see there is a way to take user to an existing ticket OR an article as below but there is no documentation that specifies how to take user to a specific form

It should open below form but it is not showing up and instead it opens a standard blank Contact us screen with a message text box:






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