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Zendesk Ticketing Fields - Hover-over descriptions while viewing ticket fields similar to organization fields

Posted Feb 02, 2024

Hi team,

Does Zendesk plan to introduce hover-over ticket field descriptions available, similar to the ability to hover-over organization fields and see descriptions?

Problem statement:

In the back-end of Zendesk while editing or creating organization or ticketing fields - you can add descriptions. However, when you hover-over ticketing fields while viewing a ticket - you do not see any description populate or appear. If you hover over descriptions for organization fields, you see the description entered in the back-end of the system appear.

Use case:

  • Seeing ticket-field descriptions and ability to hover-over to see the explanation of a field makes it convenient to understand different functionalities of fields for agents

  • Zendesk has had the ability to hover-over and see descriptions of organization fields for years - it would make the user interface more accessible and user-friendly to allow descriptions for ticketing fields the same feature.

  • For training, onboarding, and navigation purposes, keeping the UI consistent allowing descriptions for fields on the back-end to be visible when hovering over the fields across Zendesk. Today we have to keep a legend of ticketing fields documented outside of the platform - it would be useful to have the added benefit for descriptions entered to be visible to anyone using Zendesk in-platform.

  • Makes it easier for non-support teammates or users who may not use Support functions or Zendesk daily to understand the purpose of specific fields, intention, and how we use this for data. 

Does Zendesk plan to ever introduce this feature for ticketing fields, or will it remain isolated and available only to the descriptions of Organization fields?

Example of Organization fields - hover over description pop-up:

These hover-description windows do not populate for ticketing fields.


Description entered in the Organization field configurations:

Thank you.




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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Santino,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!


Makes sense! Please implement. We need that too!


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