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issues retrieving opened tickets when using anonymous identity
Posted Jun 19, 2024
I work on Zendesk SDK integration in my iOS app.
We are using anonymous identity to open a ticlet with both user mail and user name:
Zendesk.instance?.setIdentity(Identity.createAnonymous(name: name, email: email)
We are using the SDK to create a ticket:
func createRequest(completion: (Error?)->Void) {
let request = ZDKCreateRequest()
request.subject = "this is a test"
request.requestDescription = "Please delete this request"
requestProvider.createRequest(request) { (result, error) in
When we retrieve the number of tickets just after creation, we call:
requestProvider.getAllRequests { (list, error) in
list contains 1 element.
The issue is when we call “getAllRequests” after killing the app: list is empty then.
We used to use Messenging tool successfully for another purpose, the request count worked even if the app was killed between a request creation and a getAllRequests call.
Did we forget something ? Do you use a king of cookie to keep information through 2 app launches ?
Thanks !
1 comment
Christopher Kennedy
When you create a request after relaunching the app, are you seeing that the requester is a new user rather than the existing one?