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Why cant we see "New" tickets in the new Agent home?

Posted Oct 01, 2024

Surely this needs adding?


We can filter on the status “Open”, “Pending” and "On hold" tickets.  Please add “New tickets” in there.  It would help so much instead of creating a new view.


I dont get why this isnt an option from day one?  Whats the reasoning behind this?


Thank you





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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Gary,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!


Hi, we have the same problem. I have already spoken to support, and they referred me to this entry, advising me to comment on this topic as well.


Ticket: #13327536


Same problem here. I hope it gets changed soon, because it's really disrupting the workflow.



This seems like a massive oversight and has a large negative impact on our agent's workflows. 


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Zac Garcia

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all!

Thank you for this feedback. This feedback seems to center around  the desire to have a “shared inbox” to view “inbound work” within Agent Home. While this was possible with the Dashboard, the majority of customers would lean on Views to more effectively break down this work.

This feedback was shared elsewhere, more recently (apologies for missing this post until now!), and I shared a detailed breakdown there: take a look here.

Agent Home is focused on assigned work, making the agent's workflow, by default, focused on what's assigned to them. The default views, as well as any additional views you might configure, support the breakdown of the larger backlog for your team.

I see the multiple posts on this, and the shared inbox / inbound tickets use case is one we'll look into as we find ways to enhance on what Views delivers today. For now, think of Agent Home as your homebase for conversation management, optimized for realtime Messaging, Voice, and AI, and a focused space to start and follow up on your assigned work.

In addition to updating this thread with your thoughts (please do!), feel free to also email me at zac[dot]garcia[at]zendesk[dot]com to schedule a Zoom 1:1 to talk about your feedback in more depth. I am pleased to speak with any Zendesk customer and look forward to connecting!


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