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Python script for creating/updating many users returning a 400 error when attempting to post
Posted Mar 06, 2025
Hello all,
First time poster here and hoping someone can shed some light on my script here.
I have a CSV file properly formatted and the JSON appears to be formatted properly if I print out the final data. If I take that printed data and post it in Postman and send it to the same URL, it works. I am a little confused and am sure it is something easy going on.
My script is based on the API code for create or update many users:
import time
import requests
import json
import pandas
# get the users from the CSV file
users = []
tags = ["sg_users"]
with open('user_list_test.csv', newline='') as csvfile:
reader = pandas.read_csv(csvfile)
for row in reader.itertuples(index=False):
fname = row.FirstName
lname = row.LastName
strname = fname + ' ' + lname
'name': strname,
'email': row.Email,
'organization_id': row.OrganizationID,
'skip_verify_email': 'true',
'tags': tags,
'user_fields': {'sg_projectname_user': row.ProjectName}
# prepare the API requests
ZENDESK_USER_EMAIL = 'user@corp.ext'
url = f'https://{ZENDESK_SUBDOMAIN}'
# Slice the list of users into batches of 100
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
batch_size = 100
num_users = len(users)
start = 0
for start in range(0, num_users, batch_size):
stop = start + batch_size
batch = '{"users":' + json.dumps(users[start:stop]) + '}' # Get the next batch of 100 users and append formatting as a String
# Post the batch to Zendesk
response = requests.request("POST", url, json=batch, auth=auth, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 429: # Check for rate limit
print('Rate limit reached. Please wait.')
response =, json=batch, auth=auth) # Retry request
if response.status_code != 200: # Check for errors other than rate limit
print(f'Import failed with status {response.status_code} - {response.reason}')
exit() # Exit on error
print('\nImport done.')
Thanks in advance,
Greg Katechis
Hi Stephen! I took a look at the logs and the issue is with the formatted response that we're receiving. I see that you cleaned up some earlier problems and the one that's currently causing this is top level object that we receive is a key called “_json”. I'm not super familiar with Python, but I poked around and I think focusing on the formatting options for json.dumps will be the key to cleaning this one up.
Stephen Yorke
Greg Katechis
The interesting thing is that I can output the JSON string to my console, copy it, post it in Postman and it works perfectly fine.
I did a little more digging on this one and it states that there is no Users parameter:
{"error":"UnknownAttributeError","description":"Invalid attribute: missing users parameter"}
But the JSON clearly has the users parameter in it:
{"users":[{"name": "Super Man", "email": "", "organization_id": "360167993272", "skip_verify_email": "true", "tags": ["sg_users"], "user_fields": {"sg_projectname_user": "IceCave"}}, {"name": "Bat Man", "email": "", "organization_id": "360167993272", "skip_verify_email": "true", "tags": ["sg_users"], "user_fields": {"sg_projectname_user": "BatCave"}}]}
And if I copy the above JSON and run it through Postman, it works against the Zendesk API URL.
Stephen Yorke
Greg Katechis
I finally figured it out.
I use json.dumps to convert the JSON to a string so I can append the users: parameter. That string concatenation seems to be messing up the format. I figured why not test json.loads for the full string and it worked. So I guess the formatting for json.loads is fixing up the string properly and allows it to work within my script.
Thanks for the pointers. It really helped.
Greg Katechis
Glad to hear that!