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Uso de rótulos em artigos da central de ajuda

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Editado 08 de ago. de 2024



2 comentários

Preciso limpar a base de rótulos, foram criados rótulos com erro ortográfico e incorretos.
Não encontrei o tutorial ou onde posso limpar a base.


Hi there Vercilia. As of right now, it appears that the manually removing the labels you don't want from each article is one way to delete these labels.
My recommendation would be to try automate this process by using a spreadsheet populated with the ID information required to run the API endpoint DELETE /api/v2/help_center/articles/{article_id}/labels/{id}.json. In saying this, you will need to start by calling the following API endpoints: 
• List all articles and grab the articles ID: List Articles   
• Once you have the articles IDs, run the following API endpoint to associate each article with its labels IDs List Article Labels
Once you have a file in place that can be run through you should be able to pass the information to DELETE /api/v2/help_center/articles/{article_id}/labels/{id}.json. and automate this process using an API client (i.e Postman). I'd recommend working with a developer in case you are not familiar with scripting as we can not assist with performing this action. Hope this helps! 


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