Allow custom fields in Backlog Dataset
已于 2019年2月16日 发布
We maintain a sizeable backlog as we manage a lot of back-and-forth in dealing with certain customers. It would be highly advantageous to us to be able to slice and dice these by custom fields. This capability existed within GoodData, but appears to have been lost to us now in Explore.
43 条评论
Pete Holborow
I would also very much like this functionality.
Martin Cubitt
This would hugely improve the value of the dataset.
Jason Hempel
This would be a massive benefit to our internal reporting.
João Pedro Ougano•
This level of info would be precious! Our Backlog reports are handicapped, once custom fields are the base of our tickets operation!
Agree with all of the above comments. Custom fields are crucial to our team's workflow and we need a way to measure trends over time.
This would be hugely valuable, as aforementioned by others here.
Why can't backlog be filtered by Ticket form?
Is there a plan to add more ticket attributes to the backlog Explore data pool to be able to filter by? I attempted to do a calculation on Ticket Form within brands but the data set available to me is extremely limited.
Is Zendesk planning to add at least a few more attributes into the Backlog Explore dataset?
Melvin Magro
I would also like to have this functionality. Would be advantageous for our company
Dane K
Just agreeing with all the comments and upvoting to get more traction. Totally want what Samantha's is asking too around Ticket form. Especially as it's a Standard Zendesk field.
Also want custom fields too.
Anne-Flore Caire
Very very interested too !!!
derrek jennings
Add ticket form please.
This is crucial for us
Andy Newsham
Can't come fast enough for us!
Sam Donovan
+1 We need this to accurately report our backlog using custom fields
Martin Cubitt
Two years and no progress. Very disappointing...
CJ Johnson
Without this, there's basically no use case where this dataset is helpful for me personally. Would be great if this was available.
Erin Shevlin
The backlog dataset would be extremely beneficial if it could be filtered on specific fields. For example, if the backlog is growing it would be helpful to filter (or add a row/column) by the On Hold Reason so we can determine which team is the cause of the backlog spike.
Matt Farrington-Smith
This would be ridiculously helpful - not only custom fields, but common ones like ticket ID or subject even!
Pat Harland-Lee
Really looking to report on at least backlog per Group and per Organization!
Joshua Vestal
Yes, the ability to sort backlog by the custom ticket forms that we use in our organization, would allow us to track metrics much better.
Clay Turk
Hi all, we really appreciate all of the feedback here and I wanted to give an official response to everyone on our plans around the Backlog dataset.
As some of you may be aware, this dataset is a daily aggregation per account, and meant to provide general reporting on the overall backlog for the previous 24 hours. To allow granular slicing and dicing within that time period based on custom fields would make this dataset so large it wouldn't be queryable in any performant way. There is currently no scalable way to track every single change and then accurately roll that up for a 24 hour snapshot that would be usable in a query.
That being said, there are a few suggestions in this thread around adding Ticket Form, Group and Organisation as additional attributes, and while we already have Group as an option, the other two are excellent suggestions that we can accommodate.
So, in summary, Explore will not be adding custom fields to the Backlog dataset, but we will add two additional attributes for Ticket Form and Organisation in the coming months. Thank you again for the feedback, and please keep it coming.
Mark Leci
@... thank you for the follow up and the context on future development!
Martin Cubitt
Has there been any progress or confirmed plans when we might expect this?
Most of the workarounds to the limited configurability of Zendesk standard fields requires custom fields, so it is extremely disappointing we cannot get this information into such an important dataset.
Jimmy Rufo
Pretty poor planning, if this was available in GoodData, and was removed for Explore. We also need to track backlog by custom fields.
Martin Cubitt
If you can add Ticket Form that would be great for me, as that would effectively allow me to report on backlog by ticket type.
Norauto Argentina
I agree.... gooddata capabilities lost in Explore...
CJ Johnson
"but we will add two additional attributes for Ticket Form and Organisation in the coming months"
This was posted a year ago by a Zendesk employee. Organizations and Forms are still not available in the Backlog dataset. Are there any updates to these plans?
Justin Federico
The backlog dataset is essentially unusable without having the ability to filter based on Ticket Forms at the very least. Since we are not using brands, all of our products have their own ticket form.
I attempted to create my own filters but everything resulted in errors. Has anyone else been able to create filters for the "unsupported" fields?
It would also be great to be able to filter on tags.
CJ Johnson
"So, in summary, Explore will not be adding custom fields to the Backlog dataset, but we will add two additional attributes for Ticket Form and Organisation in the coming months. Thank you again for the feedback, and please keep it coming."
This was posted in October 2021. Is there any update on when ticket form and organization will be available on this dataset?
Torsten Serfling
We are also interested in the current status of this requirement.
Use Case:
Our company is a merger of several former companies. Therefore we do support for different product families.
For each of the different product families we use independent ticket forms. An evaluation of the backlog for the respective product families (and thus per ticket form) is important for us.
For some product families, we also have several products that are mapped via custom fields in the ticket forms. Here, a further subdivision of the backlog is important. If custom fields are not added to Backlog, we would like to know, how this could be achieved.
We thinkt, that this is a common requirement of several customers
CJ Johnson
@... Is there any way to get an update on this feature? The employee who pinned it is not @ able and the last Zendesk reply was in Oct. 2021 saying it would be coming soon.
"So, in summary, Explore will not be adding custom fields to the Backlog dataset, but we will add two additional attributes for Ticket Form and Organisation in the coming months. Thank you again for the feedback, and please keep it coming."
Is there any update on when ticket form and organization will be available on this dataset?