Zendesk Explore features a prebuilt Knowledge Base dashboard that helps you understand how often your Help Center articles are being viewed, which articles are being voted up or down, and more. The dashboard can help you identify if customers are finding and viewing your articles, identify trends, and find out which articles receive the most votes.
You can edit and customize the Knowledge Base dashboard by cloning it (see Cloning Explore dashboards).
The information in Explore dashboards is updated on a schedule. The schedule depends on which Explore plan you are using. For details, see Data refresh intervals for Explore plans.
In the following topics, you'll learn how to access the Knowledge Base dashboard and see the available reports:
Accessing the Knowledge Base dashboard
Use the following procedure to access the Knowledge Base dashboard.
To access the Knowledge Base dashboard
- In Zendesk Support, open the product tray.
- From the list of products, click Analytics. Explore opens and displays the dashboard library.
- From the list of dashboards, select the Zendesk Guide dashboard.
- Click the Knowledge Base tab.
Understanding the Knowledge Base dashboard reports
The Knowledge Base dashboard shows information about article views, votes, locales, and more. You can filter the reports on the dashboard by Time, Brand, Channel, User role, Language, Section, and Author.
Knowledge Base dashboard headline metrics
This tab displays the following headline metrics (KPIs) for the time range you specify:
- Total views: The total number of page views across all of your articles. All article views are recorded, no matter how many times a user has viewed the article in the selected period of time.
- Articles viewed: The total number of articles that have been viewed. Translations of an article are counted as a separate article. However, you can use the Language filter to restrict the locales that are shown in this KPI.
- Views per article: This shows the average number of page views for each article that was viewed.
- Article comments: The total number of comments made on articles in your knowledge base since February 25, 2023.
- Article subscriptions: The total number of subscriptions created for articles in your knowledge base since February 25, 2023.
Knowledge Base dashboard reports
This tab displays the following reports for the time range and data filters you specify:
Views by channel: Displays the number of page views received from
each of your channels, for example, your help center, mobile SDK, or Agent
This report can't be filtered by channel.
Views by user role: Displays the percentage of page views from each
user role (like end user, staff member, or anonymous).
This report can't be filtered by user role.
Views, comments and subscriptions by date: Displays the daily number
of article views, comments, and subscriptions over the time period you
specify. Filterable by the Article title field above the report.
Upvote and downvote data is available from February 25, 2023
Article upvotes and downvotes over time: Displays the daily number of
article upvotes and downvotes over the time period you specify. Filterable
by the Article title field above the report. Data is available from
February 25, 2023 onward.
Article engagement by selected attribute: Displays the brand, views,
net votes, comments, subscriptions, upvotes, and downvotes for each article,
section, language, category, or author. Use the tabs at the top to switch
between the reports. Filterable by a specified number of the top or bottom
results for Article comments, Article downvotes, Article
subscriptions, Article upvotes, Views, or Article
votes. Comment, subscription, upvote, and downvote data is available
from February 25, 2023 onward.