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How do I ensure the pre-chat form is presented to a visitor if they time out then reconnect?

Edited Apr 24, 2024




How do I talk to someone


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Maria -

Please see the options available here: Contacting Zendesk Customer Support


This answer code seems to always throw an error: "VM856:3 Uncaught ReferenceError: zE is not defined
at <anonymous>:3:1
at Object.updateUserHtmlFrame" 


Hi CJ, I would expect to see this "Uncaught ReferenceError: zE is not defined" error if the script in this article is being used without your account-specific widget snippet being in your code first.

Try adding the widget snippet from your account (on the Channels > Widget page in Support) above the script using the widget APIs - your Web Widget will need to be loaded before these zE APIs would work.

Hope this helps!


This solution only works if you only have a single chat department. 


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