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Creating a premium sandbox with data replication

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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Feb 26, 2025




re: Apps and EAP functionality are disabled within the sandbox.

I have a question about it. is there any way to create the sandbox account with all the Apps I have in production? (besides doing it manually)

For context, I'm trying to replicate the same UI & functionality from production in order to test it as a whole while adding new internal developed apps. For now I have been adding the apps one by one which takes time if you have quite a few.



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Diego,
Since the App functionality is disabled in the Sandbox instance, I'm afraid that the |apps installed will also not be replicated from the production to your Sandbox. You may need to re-install them manually for UI purposes but functionality will not be guaranteed to work.


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Harihar Jobanputra

Zendesk Luminary

I could not find an answer for this.


When you create a partial premium sandbox, up to 10,000 non-closed tickets and associated end users will be copied. how does it handle PII and sensitive information in those tickets? Notes?


What is the "standard" sandbox in the Note at the top of this article? Is it the "metadata premium" sandbox described in the article? If so, you should change the terminology to make it consistent.

Also, if sandboxes do not replicate Guide, is there a way to keep drafts of existing articles to be published at a later date?


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Harihar Jobanputra

Zendesk Luminary

We want to have Dev sandbox with Our configuration but no data.


I just created a Sandbox to be used as a testing tool for some new customer care agents.  I have Zendesk Enterprise Suite so essentially it allows me to generate a full production replica in the sandbox.  One thing I noticed it doesn't fully replicate is that only 4 of the 8 ticket forms that we use were replicated.  Unfortunately, those 4 were not any of the ticket forms I really needed to be replicated.  Does anyone know why this may be happening or how I can ensure that all (or at least the forms I want) are replicated?  I have stared at this for a while now and cannot figure out the logic as to why it is pulling the forms that it is and not the others.

Anyone else experience this?


Hi Chuck Hemesath

Not sure this helps any but I recently had a similar issue. The premium sandbox replicated our production instance but not all of the business rules (triggers) were replicated. I have no idea why this didn't replicate correctly and TBH haven't followed it up with Zendesk.

Just thought I'd add it here as well.


Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner), sounds like the same problem, different symptom.  I have not been able to figure out any sort of logic as to why some things are being copied while other/similar things are not.  It's been a real show stopper for us as we really need for these particular ticket forms to be replicated in the sandbox and for some reason they are not being replicated.  Very frustrating.



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Hiedi Kysther

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Chuck Hemesath

Investigating this kind of issue requires reviewing our logs. So, in order for us to assist you further - I have created a ticket on your behalf. One of our advocates will reach out to you to further assist you on this. 

Have a great day! 


It seems like ticket sharing triggers are not copied over, any other type of triggers that won't copy over to the sandbox?

Prod: 378 - Sandbox: 347 = 31 missing triggers.


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Christine Diego

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Joey,
I would suggest to contact Zendesk Customer Support to further check your account. 


I want to chime in about what a few others stated—no Guide replication. We have third-party integrations in our Guide and a preview isn't sufficent. So we are copying everything over manually to a sandbox environment.


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Christine Diego

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Basyl,

In both Standard and Premium Sandboxes customers should be able to enable a Help Center if the subscription allows it. Sandboxes get the production account’s subscription at creation time. If the customer created a Sandbox before purchasing Guide then you will need to recreate the sandbox. Note that only the subscription is copied. Nothing in terms of Guide(/Help Center) config/setup is copied.


As suspected the documentation is lacking the clarification that ticket sharing fields are considered inactive fields and thus don't sync over.

I mean, how can we embrace the whole deploying from Sandbox to Production if triggers are missing, without any clarification in the UI.


This is not a great feature set if it doesn't replicate the Guide. The thing that is most front facing for the customer can't be tested or structured before being pushed to production. 


I have a couple of massive issues with this feature as it stands, your SSO system has no way to be transferred over seamlessly. This means for a system such as ours where we have no Zendesk Logins only the SSO set-up that we cannot access the sandbox without going back and setting up Zendesk Authentication in prod which would break our security requirements. The other large issue is that you cannot access a prod version of the guide, the only reason I was going to use a sandbox was for in-development sections of our guide environment before launching them. 
Frankly, as it stands with the amount of issues people have listed in the comments this feature hardly seems useful when it should be one of the most important ones you have.


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