With Explore, you can add live data to your dashboards using live data widgets. This lets you see information about your business in near-real-time. Additionally, you can use threshold alerts to change the color of your widget when certain conditions are met, for example:
- Has the number of open tickets risen above 100?
- Are there more than five chats in the queue?
- Are more than ten callbacks awaiting a response?
In this article, you'll learn how to configure alert thresholds for your live data widgets. For more information about the available live data widgets, see Live data widgets for Explore dashboards.
Configuring alert thresholds
In this section, you'll configure an alert threshold that changes the color of the Chats in queue live data widget if the number of chats in the queue is more than one. You can substitute any live data widget for this one.
To configure the alert threshold
- In an Explore Enterprise dashboard, add the Chats in queue live data widget. For help adding live data widgets, see Adding live data and live filter widgets to dashboards.
- Click the Chats in queue widget and then, from the dropdown list, choose
Edit configuration.
- From the Chart configuration menu, choose Alerts.
- On the Alerts menu, click Add alert.
- Configure the Alert level to match your needs. In this example, you'll
configure the operator More than and a value of 1 meaning if the
number of chats is more than one then the alert will change the color of the
Chats in queue widget.
The other available operators are Less than and Equals.
- If required, click the Background color icon to change the alert threshold color.
- Click back into the dashboard to close the menus. Now, whenever the alert
threshold is triggered, the Chats in queue widget will change
Is it not possible to have multiple thresholds for alerts in a single live data widget? I tried this for support tickets but I can only add 1 threshold. It would be ideal for our dashboard to have multiple thresholds and different colors for each.
Deise da Silva Batista
Olá, não consigo definir vários limites de alerta de novos tickets segmentando por grupo ou algum outro campo personalizado?
Rob Stack
Olá, estou usando o Google Tradutor. Peço desculpas por quaisquer erros.
No momento, você não pode ter vários limites para um widget ao vivo, mas esta seria uma boa sugestão para adicionar à nossa seção de feedback do produto. Obrigado!
John Chan
Hi Rob,
Can you see the customers who are viewing your documentation?
John-Paul Page
As per Sidney's comment from 3.5 years ago, is it possible to add multiple alerts to live data widgets? One alert only shows when things are going bad (unfortunate primary focus), but we should be able to highlight when they are also going well with multiple alerts. Any update on this?