How can I export all the macros of my account into a file?
There isn't an out-of-the-box feature that allows you to pull a list of all your macros. However, you can use the API end-point List Macros to retrieve all shared and personal macros available to the current user. Admins can retrieve any macro on the account regardless of who created it.
To retrieve personal and active macros, use the following code snippet:
To append the code snippet to a URL
- Log in to the Zendesk account, this can be done by both agents and admins.
- Open the link (replace mycompany with the account subdomain).
- To the end of, add
- Click return to populate a list of active personal macros available to the user.
Tip: Vladan Jovic, one of our Community Moderators, created the following tutorial on how to export Zendesk macros into a spreadsheet that uses the API referred to above.