Use Zapier (available on the three highest Sell plans) to add your Sell contacts as new subscribers in MailChimp, see Using Zapier with Sell. For information about using MailChimp to create leads in Sell, see Creating Sell leads from MailChimp subscribers.
To get started, you'll need:
- A Zapier account
- A MailChimp account
To add Sell contacts to MailChimp as new subscribers
- Create a Zapier account, if you don't already have one. Do one of the following:
- Follow the steps described in Using Zapier with Sell.
- Go directly to Add new Zendesk Sell contacts to MailChimp automatically.
- On the Add new Zendesk Sell contacts to MailChimp automatically page, you can click Get Started–Use this Zap!. You must have set up a Zapier account and be signed in to do this.
- Select Choose Trigger, then New Contact .
- Click Continue.
- Enter your Sell account information.
- Confirm your Sell account by clicking Save + Continue.
- Select Yes if the contact is a company.
- Test that your integration is set up correctly by clicking Pull in Samples.
- Select the Add/Update Subscriber MailChimp action, then click Continue.
- To connect your MailChimp account, click Connect a New Account.
- Sign in to your account, then click Save + Continue.
- Select the MailChimp subscriber list you want to use, then click Continue.
- Select Test This Step to confirm that the integration is working properly.
- Click Finish to activate your new zap.
New contacts in Sell, are automatically added to the MailChimp subscriber list you chose.
1 comment
Lloyd Grosse
I am trying to trigger a Zap in Zapier to update (or add) existing (or new) contacts in Mailchimp.
It all looks pretty easy and I've been able to get the wiring partially correct - however, when I tell Zapier that the contacts {Is Company=false} - I am unable to Map the "company name" field as it is not available in the field mapping wizard. I presume I have to set the Trigger to {Is Company=false} because I want the people within a company in my marketing list and am not so interested in the generic company email.
I can map the {organisation ID} which is a number. I can probably work out how to do a dynamic look up table in Google Sheets but that's not going to help with any new contacts. Plus, that's a hell of a workaround for this workaround.
I get the same result triggering the "integrations" tool in the Sell Smart List. It adds the contacts to Mailchimp but does not map {company name} (Sell) into {ORGNAME} (Mailchimp).
Please help me map an individual's organisation name to their record in Mailchimp.