In this article, we’ll discuss how to use CCs, followers, and @mentions in the Zendesk Support mobile app. For detailed information about how these features work, see CCs and followers resources and Using @mentions.
This article includes the following topics:
Overview of CCs, followers, and @mentions
There are three ways to include other individuals on a ticket in the Zendesk Support mobile app:
- CCs allow you to include end users and agents on ticket notifications. Internal and external users can add CCs (copied users) to tickets. CCs can respond to ticket notifications publicly, or they can remove the requester from the notification to submit a private response. Agents, admins, and end users (with the proper permissions) can add a CC to a ticket.
- Followers allow you to include additional internal users (agents or administrators) on ticket notifications. Internal users can add followers to tickets. Agents and admins can add followers to a ticket.
- @mentions allow you to include other agents on ticket notifications. Agents @mentioned on a ticket are added to the CC list. Agents and admins can add an @mention to a ticket.
Adding CCs to a ticket
In the mobile app, you can add a CC when making a public reply to a ticket. You cannot add a CC when responding to a ticket with an internal note.
When a user is added to a ticket using the CC option, that user can:
- Send and receive public replies to the ticket conversation.
- Receive and respond to private notes in a ticket conversation, if they are explicitly included on that note.
- Add other external users to the conversation via the CC line.
- Remove themselves or other CCs from the ticket conversation.
- Be seen by other CCs and followers on the ticket, as their email address is visible in the ticket header.
To add a CC to a ticket in the mobile interface
- Open the ticket on the mobile app, then tap Write a reply at the bottom of the ticket.
- Tap the reply type drop-down menu and select Public reply.
- Tap CC.
- On the CC screen, enter the name or email of the user you want to add to the
ticket. As you begin entering the name, matching users appear for you to choose
Continue entering the name, or tap to select a user from the list. Repeat as needed.
- Tap the X at the top of the CC screen to return to the ticket
conversation. The number of users copied on the ticket appears next to the CC
- Continue updating the ticket as needed. The user included in the CC list will receive a notification that they have been added to the ticket conversation.
Following and adding followers to a ticket
You can add a follower -- another user or yourself -- to a ticket from a ticket’s properties screen.
To add yourself or another user as a follower
- Open the ticket on the mobile app, then tap the Properties tab.
- On the ticket properties tab, tap Followers.
- On the Followers screen, you can tap your own name to add yourself as a follower, or enter the name of another user to add as a follower. When the user’s name appears on the list, tap to add them as a follower on the ticket.
- Tap the back arrow to return to the Properties tab.

Adding @mentions to a ticket
You can add another agent to a ticket using the @mention feature.
To add an agent using @mention
- Open the ticket on the mobile app, then tap Write a reply.
- Tap the @ symbol in the formatting toolbar.
- Select a name from the list of agents. The agent is added to the ticket comment.
Viewing CCs and followers on a ticket
You may want to see who is included as a CC or follower on the ticket, so you understand who will receive notifications when changes are made.
To view users CC’d on a ticket
- Open the ticket on the mobile app, and tap Write a reply.
- Tap CC. The list of CC’d users is displayed on the CC screen.
To view users following a ticket
- Open the ticket on the mobile app, and tap Properties.
- On the ticket properties screen, find the Followers section. Any users included on the ticket as followers are listed.
How do you see tickets you are following on in zendesk? it sent me an email copy when someone put me as a follower, but i would prefer to keep track of everything in zendesk. I do not see a way to do it by setting up a view?
There are two options that can be used which are discussed here How can I view tickets I follow?
Sriram Parthasarathy
In the latest builds of your Android app (2.25.3), have you removed the ability to add CC's to the ticket details? The CC field would be right underneath the requester and assignee fields.
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
Hi Sriram Parthasarathy,
We are happy to report that the issue causing the CC field not to appear in the Android Support App has now been resolved. Please make sure to update the app to the newest version available on the Play Store.
Apologies for any inconvenience you and your team experienced!