You can add custom fields for tickets, users, and organizations.
For information about creating custom fields, see:
The following table details the types of custom fields you can add.
Types | Description |
Drop-down | This field enables you to create a list of options for users to select. Each option is a combination of a title and a tag. The title is displayed to users and the tag is used as a ticket property that you can use in business rules. You can create up to 2,000 values in a custom drop-down list, with a maximum length of 255 characters per field.
You can select which field appears as the default option in the drop-down list or choose to not display a field value as a default.
Note: When you configure a default option in a drop-down list, this only applies to new tickets that are created by agents through the Support interface or created by users wherever the ticket form is displayed. If you change an existing ticket form to one that contains a drop-down list with a default option, the default option is not displayed and is shown as blank.
You can organize drop-down list options into categories (see Organizing drop-down list options). |
Multi-select | This field allows users to choose multiple options from a predetermined list. You can create up to 2,000 values in a custom multi-select list.
You can organize options into categories (see Organizing drop-down list options). ![]() Note that multi-select fields aren't supported by bot builder. |
Text | This is a simple single line text input.
The character limit for this field is 65,536. |
Multi-line | This is a multiple line text input.
The character limit for this field is 65,536. Note that multi-line fields aren't supported by bot builder. |
Checkbox | This is used to capture a Yes/No value. Enter a tag to be added to the ticket when the checkbox is selected. Use the tag to filter your views, triggers, and automations.
Note that checkbox fields aren't supported by bot builder. |
Numeric | This is for simple numeric input (no decimals). Values entered in custom number fields for organizations, users, and custom objects can't exceed 12 digits. There are no restrictions on the length of values in custom number fields for tickets.
Note that number fields aren't supported by bot builder. |
Decimal | This is for numbers that contain decimals.
Note that decimal fields aren't supported by bot builder. |
Date | Custom date fields allow your users to select a date from a date picker. Users can choose the current date or any date in the past or future.
Community tip! Colin shows how to use custom date fields to set reminders for tickets. Check it out in our community forums. Date fields aren't supported by bot builder. If you use webhooks or other methods to change a custom date field in tickets, do not include hours or a timezone. It will cause an error.
Note: The formatting of the field value and calendar differs based on the language selected in a user's profile. However, the date is always saved in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
Credit card | This field allows users to enter a credit card number. Only the last four digits are visible to agents and stored by Zendesk.
Note that credit card fields aren't supported by bot builder.
Note: Credit card fields are not supported in user and organization fields.
Regex | You can enter a Ruby regular expression to create an input mask to validate proper entry of numbers in fixed patterns (telephone numbers, zip codes, social security numbers, etc).
Here's a regular expression for a U.S. social security number. This expression requires three sets of numbers (0-9 only) in a pattern of 3-2-4 and each separated by a dash: \b[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}\b Other common regular expressions include:
Regular expressions can't exceed 255 characters. For more information about Ruby regular expressions, see Rubular. Regex fields aren't supported by bot builder. |
Lookup relationship | Custom lookup relationship fields allow admins to define custom relationships that can exist between tickets, users, organizations, and custom objects. Team members can then establish those relationships while working on tickets, editing user profiles, editing organizations, or managing custom objects. See Using lookup relationship fields.
Bell Chen
Hi Brett
Please find the link and screen below for our form, thanks.
User is not able to pasting the screen under description ticket field.
I have tested it directly on my end and it worked without any issue. Can you have your affected users clear cache and history on their browsers? If the same issue persisted, please contact our support directly to investigate further.
Bell Chen
Hi Dane
My question is to make the ticket field can paste the Screenshot, not only fill the word, please check, thanks.
Thank you for the clarification.
It seems your WYSIWG editor is currently set to false.
To modify it, go to Guide > Customize designs > Configuration > Edit Code.
Go to new_request_page.hbs, look for the
{{request_form wysiwyg=false}}
and change false to true.1
Bell Chen
Hi Dane
But i found the "image" icon only available for sign-in end user but not for "anyone".
Is it expected behaviour?
Jonathan Lunt
I am trying to set up an integration with I'm trying to pass a Url to a field. Unfortunately i cant use the Regex field as it isnt a field that gets passed across.
I thought just using a text field would allow this but for some reason when i submit the ticket the field is always blank so its looks like this is being removed by Zendesk.
Is there any way around this?
Gab Guinto
You should be able to pass a URL value to a custom text field via API. Have you tried reaching out to the team who developed this integration? It may be best to get in touch with them to ask for help diagnosing the issue. But, let me create a ticket where we can continue this conversation, and see if there's anything else we can check from our end. Thanks!
Jonathan Lunt
Hi Gab,
Thanks for raising the ticket.
It looks like the issue has vanished and is now working as expected.
I've closed the ticket.
Dave Symonds
Can you increment a custom field value in an action in a trigger
Shannon Kertis
Depending on the field type, you can certainly use custom field values in trigger conditions and actions. The field values will need to be predetermined before configuring your trigger actions. For more information, see the article: Using custom ticket fields in business rules and views.
Hope that helps!
Dave Symonds
Nope as it doesn't address the rather specific question - Can you increment a custom field value in an action in a trigger. I cannot see anyway its possible so can so if you can tell me yes or no then I can stop wasting my time searching
Shannon Kertis
To answer your question, I'll need to gather more details about your specific use case and workflow. I have created a Support ticket to continue the conversation. Talk to you there!
Ana Baccaro
We're using a macro that uses custom field (Date type) but we need the format to be set to MM/DD/YYY, how do we set that up?
The custom date field format cannot be changed. You might as well consider using Regex field but it will manual entry of dates.
Farisa COPOL
Hello, I've noticed it's mentioned in this article that multi-select isn't supported by users and organizations fields.
Do you plan on implementing it soon? If so, when?
In my case, each organization (a company is a client) can have different key features activated and the package will be the solution they use. I'd rather have these info input with a multi-select than with a dropdown or several checkboxes. We currently have more than 10 key features.
Thank you!
One of our product managers confirmed in this community post that the ability to create multi-select fields in user and organization is already in our roadmap. Though this was not completed in 2022 as mentioned, the team is still working on having this implemented.
We recommend that you follow our Announcement page to get updates on any new features, fixes, and other important announcements.
Hi, Is there a plan to add Lookup relationship fields to Explore as well?
Lookup relationship fields are now available in Explore for datasets that support custom fields. These types of custom fields are available in the following folders of the dataset:
You can see more of the details in this announcement.
Katie Edwards
Hi there,
I have a custom drop-down ticket field that is populated by a set of triggers. Ideally, I would like to make this only editable by ZD Admins as we don't want Agents to be able to edit this, but the only options I can see are attached below.
I cannot uncheck the 'Agents can edit' option. Any advice?
Thanks very much!
Heather Rommel
Hi Katie Edwards,
In that scenario, you'd leave "agents can edit" checked and solve for that a different way. Yes, something has to be checked there!
Depending on your use case, you might want to 1. not add the field to the form and only use the triggers/automations to set the field.
2. add it to the form but use the Zendesk Field Manager app to hide or set the field as read only except for Admins
Hope this helps!
Katie Edwards
Hi Heather Rommel,
Thanks so much - that's a huge help!
qiang huang
Hi, may I ask if anyone knows how to add default values to the Text field, or is there a field similar to a label type(Only display some fixed values and cannot be edited)
Gabriel Manlapig
As of this time, it is not possible to pre-set or add a default value for a custom text field. A dropdown field only allows for the setting of a default value.
I've taken a look and found that other users are discussing similar needs here:
Specific examples, details about impact, and how you currently handle things are the most helpful things to share to help our product teams understand the full scope of the need when working on solutions.
We truly value customer feedback and your voice and votes in the product feedback topics in the community help influence future Zendesk functionality. Thank you!
qiang huang
Thank you, Gabriel
I have another question
Is there a password type field, even if it is not a password type, I want to verify whether the inputs of the two fields are the same. Only when they are the same, can I submit the form. Can I implement it? Where should I write JavaScript or?
Gabriel Manlapig
There isn't a native custom password type field or feature that will perform this validation to determine whether the inputs of the two fields are the same. However, I found this community Q&A post with custom JS in your Help Center theme that checks the custom field values before form submission.
For reference, please see below post:
New Request Page: Match validation based off 2 custom fields
Also, to access and edit the JavaScript in your help center, see Customizing the CSS or JavaScript.
I hope this helps. Thank you!
qiang huang
I have two date type fields, Start Date and End Date
All displayed in the End User's request Form
I hope to achieve this effect, where the user selects a start date and the end date is automatically set to 3 months after the start date
Trigger seem to only increase or decrease from the current date
I tried using JavaScript, but in web pages, the Date type is an input tag of text type, not data type,I tried to set the value, but it didn't work
Is it possible to achieve it
Since Zendesk doesn't have calculated fields or business rule actions to do field calculations, you'd need something like a HTTP target to initialize this followup field based on the value of the delivery date field.
Take a look at this Community article I found that has a similar concern: Email Trigger based on custom date field
I hope this works for you.
Carlota Bergillos
Hello Jennifer Rowe,
Thank you for this article!
It is my understanding that the default value in a ticket field only works:
Is this right? If so, my feedback is that it would be better to apply the default value in the agent workspace always and in all channels (unless the field is displayed to the user and they select a different option). We wanted to use this to improve productivity in fields where 98% of the times the answer is the same, saving a couple of seconds per ticket with this.
Thank you!
Thanks for your feedback. The default value will only applies to NEW tickets created by the agent in Support and/or end-user via Ticket Form. Should you want to display the desired default value always, you can create a trigger that set this ticket field value in every ticket created or ticket updated. You can specify ticket form too depending on the ticket fields requirement.
Hope this helps! Thank you!