Adding custom fields to organizations

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Hi, I'd like to set up different brand layouts on the ticket level (ticket fields) so that each brand will have its own dedicated fields. How can this be done? Thanks!


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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Hey @...

You can do this using the Ticket Forms feature of Zendesk, if your plan supports it. It allows you to assign ticket fields to forms, and then a form to a specific brand or brands.


ex: you could make a form for Product 1, with its own fields, and only make that form available to tickets that use the Brand for product 1


Thank you, Dan!

So potentially I can have fields defined for a general view (not form related, e.g. via email), and some of these fields and additional ones can be presented based on a specific form it was submitted from? 


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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Hey Yuli,

Each ticket form has its own set of fields, though a ticket field can be used across multiple ticket forms. For example, we have a field called 'Case Reason' that we apply on all our Support ticket forms, but then we have some fields that are unique to a specific form.

We then use Zendesk Triggers to route incoming email tickets to set them to a specific ticket form, based on the email we received the ticket at.

Let's say you have two products that have different support requirements.

For these products, let's suppose there's two emails for the different product support teams

And now some ticket fields. Some of them are general purpose (ex: Priority, Total Spend $ etc.) and some will be product specific (issue categories unique to each product features, for example)

Sample Ticket Fields you'd create:

  • General field 1 
  • General field 2
  • Product A field
  • Product B field

To do what you're describing, you'd want to make two Ticket Forms. One for Product A and one for Product B. One these forms, you'd add the fields you want to show to agents.


  • General field 1 
  • General field 2
  • Product A field 


  • General field 1 
  • General field 2
  • Product B field

The Product B field is not shown when Product A's form is selected and vice versa.

Next, you'd want to look at making a Trigger to make sure each Brand's tickets go to the right place. Here's an example for what it could look like for Product A

Sample Trigger

Ticket is created
Ticket is received at ""

Ticket Form: Product A

After that, you'd just some ticket views that are filtered by Ticket Form or by Ticket Group and you'd be good to go!

Hope that helps!


Hey, My company need to have a custom dropdown  organization field that accept multiple values (same field already available for ticket) the documentation mentions it here : it's possible apparently ? but I can't find out how to do that.



Is anyone aware of a way to have an organization field show up as a column on the view tickets overview screen?  Really looking for a way to configure things like account plan and use this as a way to quickly identify which tickets should be prioritized over others.


Hi Fred,

If only! I've been asking for this for a while now - to me it seems obvious, based on relational database principles, to be able to utilise the supposedly tight connections that exist between organisation/customer->user(ticket requester)->ticket - yet it seems ZD does not provide any way of achieving this at present. 

My perspective on this, as a worked example, is that we support a number of organisations that use our products and, if it were possible, when creating a ticket, I'd be able to map the product (and its release level) to the ticket based on that 1-< relationship. Yet frustratingly (and incredulously - I'll be honest) I cannot do this. Instead I have to duplicate that same data into the ticket each time (via its own 'product' field) and then check/assess the current release level of the product by verifying the organisation to establish that. 

I do really love ZD but I find this lack of integration across the 3 (there are only 3) key object types (Organisation/User/Ticket) one of its main and significant weaknesses. 

Alas, I do still find the ZD enhancement process somewhat opaque too so I have no idea if this is even or ever going to be considered but I do wonder if other ZD customers find this incredibly limiting and frustrating as me. 

Just my 'two penneth'...

Take care

Gary Donoghue


For the record here is a link to another thread on the forum that relates to this topic...

Many Thanks




The link for "Placeholders in macros, ticket comments, and notification messages (see Placeholders for custom fields)" is missing again.




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Kharlo Reboja

Zendesk Customer Care


Thanks for bringing this up. We have raised this with our documentation team. The correct link is


Kharlo | Customer Advocate


Can you make a custom organization field read-only? I have created one specifically to sync from Salesforce and since the SF configuration is only one-way sync (SF to ZD), we do not want agents changing the value in Zendesk. 


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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Hey @...
We have the same scenario, unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be an option. To protect the org fields, we disabled permissions for non-admin or non-integration users from being able to create or edit organizations


Hello! I've been reading a lot of documentation related to organization fields, but I haven't found where or how those fields are actually populated, i.e. their data source. Where can I see that information?

For instance, the Chargeback ID in the example above, how do you know where the ID that the field will be populated with is coming from, and how can you change it?


Hi Noe,

It's not obvious as the ZD dashboard doesn't offer a standard way of viewing organisations - you have to firstly Add a new Organisation and then fill in the fields that way. Of course the Organisation itself isn't directly connected to a Ticket (don't ask! I've been asking the same question for years without any response) but IS implicitly connected by virtue of a User (Requester) and the fact that you CAN connect such a user to an Organisation. 

Why there isn't more of this relational ability between Ticket, User and Organisation is something that only ZD can answer. Or in ZD's case: not answer it. I've even attended Webex Product updates and asked this question and been ignored. 

Such a pity as I really like ZD but this aspect is a huge weakness and I just don't understand why other customers don't raise it as an issue. 

Anyway, I hope this helps. 




Once an organisation is set up the only way of viewing on data related to it is to search on the organisation name. There is NO tab for simply selecting organisations or users from a dashboard list. Don't ask me why? Again I've asked and sadly been met with silence. 



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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Gary,

I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but if you know what field you want to search on you can do so. For example, we have a field on Organizations for Subscription Type and using the org field key, I can search for silver like so:


Hi Heather,

Thank you. That is a useful tip and does allow a degree of filtering within organisation data for a specific field - so definitely helpful. However, my frustration, is two fold:

1. The lack of any ability to, from the dashboard, simply list out a list of organisations and customers in the same way that tickets can be listed. Lack of dashboard customisation remains, for me, a strange limitation within ZD. It's the standard DB or nothing.

2. The inability to, in effect, embed organisation data within a ticket. So if I have a field for an organisation (say in our case something called ency_type). Each organisation will have a value of HE, CSE or Both associated to it. When I raise a ticket it'd be good to be able to simply have that value embedded within it as the 'starting point' (so that, normally, I can just go with the 'default' value for that organisation - the ticket will be associated to this ticket implicitly by virtue of the requester being connected to the organisation in question. At present I have to have a separate 'ticket' field that indicates the ency_type as there is no way of inheriting this information from the 'parent' organisation via the relationship Ticket>-Users>-Organisations so that a ticket can be raised by one user/customer who is associated only to one organisation (essentially stadard relationship database concepts). 

At present we have to duplicate such information in our ticketing and it is very frustrating and error prone - as we know the data is, in essence, connected to either a user or the organisation in which that user resides but we cannot simply place that information directly in the ticket itself. Very odd. 

Anyway, thanks for your time. Appreciated! 

Gary Donoghue


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Hi @...,

1. I agree search can be better - I'd love to have configurable columns that show when I search for Organizations (or tickets for that matter). There are Org fields that are super important to us that we have to click through to see when searching...

2. I'm wondering if I'm misunderstanding your ask here because I'm pretty sure you can do this today - for dropdown fields! Admittedly it's a little wonky but get this:

I have an Org Field, as mentioned before, named "Subscription Type". It's a dropdown field. The "silver" option has the associated tag "silver".

I can then put in a Ticket Field for Subscription Type. I can add exactly the same options as the Org dropdown -- the trick is to use the same tags as the Org Field options.

Now every time a customer creates a ticket (assuming they're mapped to the right org), the Subscription Type field on the Ticket level will auto-fill after the ticket is created. Why? Because the tag carried over from the Org to the Ticket and Zendesk effectively back-fills the field.

Cool, huh?


Is there a way to search on an org field?  I need to validate if the region/state field is populated on all org records as I have triggers enabled based on the value of this field.  I just need to validate that there are none that are blank.  


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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Hey Erik,

try doing a search in Zendesk using your API field name for the org field, using 'none' as the search term. 

Ex: if your field API name is 'region' then your search would be 

Does that find what you need?


Thanks Dan!  



What about sortable column set up? We have a end customer who sends us query that want to have different sortable column rather than Last activity.

Can you please advise where I can adjust this set up?


We are using zendesk as an internal HR ticketing system and having the guide for resources, policies, and job aids. Some of the job aids and documents are for our managers only to view. The managers are end users and I want to know how I could utilize this function so managers can view articles that employees would not have access to. Is this possible?


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Gabriel Manlapig

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jacquelyn,
I think using User Segment will achieve your use case. A user segment is a collection of end-users/agents, defined by a specific set of attributes, used to determine access to help center content.
To learn more, please see article below:
Creating user segments for Guide user permissions
I hope that helps.


Is there a limit to the number of Organization fields that can be added?


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Gabriel Manlapig

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Scott,

There is no official limit, but you might see performance issues if you created around 160-200 custom organizational fields.

I hope that helps!


As an agent, I should absolutely be able to have a view that shows organizational fields. Especially custom fields. As has been brought up in other examples, support level is a pretty common thing. The right place for that is on an organization. That means in my view, I should be able to see this. 


How many custom organisation fields can be added?



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