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Understanding personalized email replies

Edited Jun 21, 2024




Just wanted to let you know there's a duplicate broken link in the

Using external email addresses with personalized email replies

section - seems like it was left behind from some link updating effort.


I reported this to my support contacts, but also documenting here:

There is a race condition/error scenario where if a ticket is reopened/follow-up created by a client and the client added text, the "new ticket email" will show the client name but the support email alias. This is confusing as it looks like the client is an agent. There is another scenario where if an admin created email notification triggers, when a ticket is created and not assigned, the admin's name is used in the email to clients, confusing clients unless the admin updates the trigger to temporarily assign the ticket to a generic agent name (I was asked if there is a John Witt bot). As a result we had to disable this feature.


I appreciate the response, but how does your paid solution bypass the bug I reported to Zendesk officially and through this post?


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