Suite | Growth, Professional, Enterprise, or Enterprise Plus |
Support | Professional or Enterprise |
Agents can create an alias to use as a user name on all communications with the ticket requester. Aliases allow agents to keep their real name private. An alias, rather than a user name, is used by placeholders in automated messages as well.
In most cases, aliases are only visible to end users. Other agents see the true name of agents who use aliases in their user profiles. In email notifications, agents will see the true name of the other agent if they are a follower on the ticket. If the other agent is the ticket requester or CC'd, their alias appears instead of their true name.
Agents can create their own alias by editing their profiles.
- Open the user profile for another team member or yourself, then edit the Alias field in the user profile.
When an agent adds an alias, it is the only name that end users will see. The alias is:
- Shown as the sender on all outgoing email to end users
- The name displayed on forum posts and comments made by the team member
- The name end users see when viewing ticket details
Hi Zendesk - Will an agent's alias be used for {{}} in a macro? If not, is there a way to use the alias in-lieu of their username? Thanks!
Dave Dyson
Hi Casey –
The agent's alias will be used in macros for {{}} (but not for {{ticket.assignee.first_name}} or {{ticket.assignee.last_name}} )
Hope that helps!
Thank you, Dave - since {{}} pulls the full assignee name (e.g. Dave Dyson), it is safe to assume it will display as the alias?
Dave Dyson
Hi Casey, I've corrected my previous response - yes, you're correct. Sorry for the confusion!
佐藤 モアナ美海南
Hi Zendesk, I have questions following the thread above. Is possible to pull only the last name from an Alias? In Japan the common business practice is to sign off with your company name and just your last name so I was wondering if this is possible.
Andrea Rodriguez (CD Baby)
Is dynamic content supported in the alias? We have titles that are translated to support our languages but it seems that it's not showing up.
I understand that you would like to use the Dynamic content on your Alias.
Unfortunately, it is not natively possible for the Dynamic content to work for the Alias.
I am sorry about this limitation. Thanks for your comprehension!
Gilles Vanagtmael
Is it true that messaging messages do not use the alias? In our use case, agents have an alias (Naomi, for example) and yet, in the widget: Zendesk shows the full name (alias is first name only, agent's name in Zendesk is first + last name).
Is there an option with messaging messages to still select the alias?
Changing a team member's alias in Support will not affect their name in Chat. To change the name displayed when chatting, you will need to edit the team member's display name in Chat.
Agents in Chat + Support accounts update their display name, tagline, and avatar in the Chat dashboard.
To change your display name, tagline, or avatar:
Note: This needs to be updated by the Chat agent on their own personal profiles.
Hope this helps!
Roshni Daftary
What place holder do we use in the shortcuts to use the display name instead of agent name in below example.
Hello, my name is {{agent_name}}
Nacho Santana
Once the agent has a "display name" set in their personal settings. Any shortcut that include the placeholder , in their message, will show the agent's "display name".
I hope this information help.
Permanently deleted user
We've noticed that when we share a ticket with another Zendesk instance, if the sending agent is using an alias, then all internal comments added to the receiving instance's ticket will appear under the sending agent's alias rather than the name on their Zendesk profile. Could someone please confirm if this is expected behavior? I'm a little unclear based on the quotes highlighted above.
I hope all is well! Yes, at the moment you will see the Alias upon checking the comments in the shared ticket. Unfortunately, this setting is not customizable for a different result in the sharing agreement tickets.
I hope this answers your question!
Permanently deleted user
Thank you, Gabriel! Hope you're well, too!
Agathe Schuster
Hi all, is it possible to trigger the usage of an alias for answers to a certain customer account type BUT use the agents real name for answers to a different account type?
- ticket request from user identified to account type a: use agents alias in answers
- ticket request from user identified to account type b: use agents real name in answers
thanks a lot for an answer