In Zendesk Support, you can access your profile to view and update your information and settings. This article describes how to view and edit your own profile in Zendesk Support.
Viewing your Zendesk Support profile
In Zendesk Support, you can view your own essential information, such as name, profile picture, email, group, and more. In addition to this supplied information, you can also view your ticket and Help Center activity, security settings, and account preferences in the main window of your profile.
- Click your profile icon in the upper-right corner of the page header, then select
View profile.
If you have omnichannel routing activated on your account, you will see View profile just below your agent status.
- Edit your profile picture or name (see Updating your name and profile picture).
- Click through the different tabs on the main window to view the following
- Tickets: View your assigned, requested, followed, or CC'd tickets. See Viewing your tickets activity in your profile for more information.
- Help Center: View your number of articles, community posts (if available), comments, votes, and subscriptions. See Viewing your Help Center activity for articles, posts, and comments in your Support profile.
- Related: View tickets, organizations, and other users with which you have a relationship. For example, the organizations you support or the manager for your account. See Using lookup relationship fields .
- Security Settings: Change or reset your password (see Changing your password), view all devices and third-party applications that accessed your Zendesk account (see Checking devices and applications that accessed your account), and activate two-factor authentication (see Enabling two-factor authentication).
- Preferences: Enable Incident email notifications to receive updates when any Zendesk service is experiencing an outage.
- View your user details on the left side of your profile. You can edit some of these user fields. Some changes will generate an email notification, such as adding an email address. For detailed descriptions on each user field, see About your user profile details.
About your user profile details
On the left sidebar of your profile you can view your profile information, such as your role and group. Agents can only edit some of the information on their own profile. If you created custom user fields, they're also included (see Adding custom fields to users).
Below are the default user fields shown:
Profile data | Description |
Name | Your real name. If you don't define an alias (see below), the name is used on
all communications with end users. To change your name, see Updating your name in your user profile. |
Role | Defines a user's function and access level. There are three user types: End user, Agent, Administrator. Only administrators can change a user's role. See Understanding Zendesk user roles. |
Groups | A collection of agents created by an administrator. Agents must be assigned to at least one group by an administrator, but they can be assigned to more than one. Administrators can add and edit groups, agents cannot. See About organizations and groups. |
Alias | Alternative name to use on all communications with end users instead of your
real name. Leave this field blank if you want to use your real name on your
communications. This option is available for Suite Growth and above and Support Professional and above accounts only. See Adding an agent alias. |
Signature | Closing line added to your email notifications when you make public ticket comments. |
Primary email | Email addresses associated with your profile. The first email address is your
primary email address and the only address that receives email and
security-related notifications. You can add more email addresses to your profile
by clicking Add contact. To change your primary email address, you must first add and verify the new email address you want to make primary, then click the arrow next to the new email address and select Make primary contact from the drop-down list. |
Phone | Phone numbers associated with the profile. You can't edit a phone number but you can add a revised number, then delete the old number. If you have only one phone number, you can't remove it until you add a second number. |
Agent forwarding | Office phone or mobile phone you'd like to forward voice calls to instead of answering Zendesk Talk calls via the browser. You can test the number you enter to make sure calls forward properly. See Enabling Zendesk Talk and configuring general settings. |
Contacts | Other contact information including your Facebook page, X (formerly Twitter) handle, and Google account. You can also add secondary email addresses. |
Tags | Any tags you want automatically added to new tickets you create. Separate tags with a space. Tags are added to new tickets only, not updated tickets. This is an optional feature and you may not have enabled user tagging. See Adding tags to users and organizations. |
Organization | A collection of users (both end users and agents) created by an administrator. Agents can be a member of only one organization. If your uses organizations, both administrators and agents can add or edit their organization. See About organizations and groups . |
User segment | A collection of end users or agents, defined by a specific set of attributes, and used to determine access to Help Center content. See Managing user segments. |
Language | Language you'd like to view Zendesk Support in. This setting only affects
you. This setting also affects the UI of the AI agents - Advanced add-on, but note that the only languages supported for the add-on UI are English, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. |
Time zone | Local time zone; used to time stamp tickets. This setting only affects you.
This option is available for Suite Growth and above and Support Professional and above accounts only. |
Details | Additional details you'd like to add to your profile. Address, for example. Details are visible to other agents but not end users. |
Notes | Additional notes you'd like to add to your profile. This information is visible to other agents but not end users. |
The lower-side specifies when the profile was created and last updated. It also specifies when the user last signed into Zendesk.
Making an API request with the user's email address updates both the Updated and Last sign-in times. The request counts as the user signing into Zendesk; the sign-in time update counts as a change to the user. Internal software changes may also impact the update and sign-in times.
Angelique Paulus
When trying to update the agent profile of the person that is the account owner I'm getting greyed out fields, so not able to update. Not even the customized agent (user) fields.
Is that expected behavior and if so what would be the reason for that? And more important is there a workaround for it?
Cheeny Aban
Hi Angelique,
Are you updating the user info of an agent or another admin? What fields are greyed out? there is a possibility that it is related to your role restrictions.
Cheeny Aban
Hi Angelique,
You got it! Only the Account Owner can make any changes on their account because they have the most control.