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About omnichannel routing

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Jacquelyn Brewer

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Thanks to all who pointed out the broken link. This has now been fixed.


Hi there,

I don't see this available in our settings. Does the beta need to be enabled for our account like an EAP or will it just be a slow rollout to all users


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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Lauren Benkov. The beta is rolling out this week. If you don't see it in your account by the end of Friday 19th August, please let us know, and we'll investigate. Thanks!


In the article above, it was mentioned that...

'An agent must have fewer open tickets or active messaging conversations than the defined maximum capacity for that channel to have spare capacity'  

Is usage of the word 'open' meant to be taken literally (as in Status = Open), or does the system still consider tickets in On Hold or Pending status as open from a capacity perspective?


Is there an API to read agent statuses, or will be be able to create triggers, to integrate these statuses with a WFM solutions?


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Steve Plichta

The ticket is only considered to be taking up capacity if status = open. If it is status = on hold or pending then it is not taking up capacity



Still don't see this under Objects and Rules.  Do we need to install from the Marketplace?  Can't find it there either.


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Volkan Akdugan

Zendesk Product Manager


Good news! The new Agent Availability APIs are actually in development at the moment. We are targeting to launch early access program in Q4 this year and general availability in H1 2023. The new public APIs will enable our customers and partners to view and update real-time unified agent status.



Hi! Is it still possible to get into the beta/eap for omni channel routing?


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

how do we get access to the beta?


Hello Rob Stack,

We do not have access to this under the admin center. When can we expect this to roll out? 




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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi, I've created tickets for some of you so we can find out why you don't have the beta yet. I'll update here when we find something out. Thanks!


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager


To get the omnichannel routing beta, you need to have agent workspace enabled, and if you have a chat subscription you need to have either messaging enabled or use sunshine conversations.

If you qualify , but still cannot see routing in admin centre, please let me know



Hi Barry Neary,

I am really interested to switch over Omnichannel and I am happy to know that most channels which I manage are supported, however, able to advised if Chat & Telegram via Integration Channel are supported? Please adv, TQ.

Channels which I manage,

  • Email - Supported
  • Web form - Supported
  • Messaging - Supported
  • Chat - ???
  • Telegram via Integration Channel - ???



I just verified, we  do have Agent Workspace turned on.  Still don't see OmniChannel.


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Michelle Nibbe, do you have messaging also enabled?


No, we do not use messaging.


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

I am not sure why you would gatekeep this experience to those using the less than popular messaging channel. Disappointed again. 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Just for my own interest - why do you prefer not to use messaging?


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

As an end-user of the experience, it is confusing, buggy, hard to read, and not a connected experience with guide. if I do not enjoy the experience as an end-user, I can't entertain asking my end users to use it. 

More importantly, Zendesk does not allow third party integrations into Messaging, like it does for Chat (example, Pendo).

It's incredibly frustrating having to choose to go full stack in one system rather than have options to integrate and use the technology in a manner that makes sense for our business needs. 


I agree with Bobby, I really hope that messaging should not be necessarily for us to be able to use the routing features. The routing features would be an excellent solution for our company, and we are not ready to integrate the messaging into our workflow for a variety of reasons.


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hiroo Japan: Omnichannel routing supports Telegram via Integration channel but not Chat


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Zendesk LuminaryUser Group Leader

I am testing out the experience in my sandbox, I just want to confirm if Emails are supposed to just show as assigned in a view or is the agent somehow notified? I was expecting them to behave like Messaging and need to be accepted like Messaging, but I don't believe that is the behavior.


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Michael

Emails are assigned directly to agents, unlike Messages the agent doesnt  need to Accept them



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Zendesk LuminaryUser Group Leader

Thanks Barry Neary!

I didn't miss any notification to a user a new email was assigned correct, has to be managed via their assigned ticket view?


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Michael, yes - an agent would need to monitor their 'My assigned tickets' view to see new tickets arrive....



In the same boat as Bobby and Kevin - we'd love to use Omnichannel Routing, but after testing Messaging, it's just not something we'd be comfortable launching in its current state. We still need the ability to intelligently route tickets, though .... 


Hi Barry

Does omnichannel routing supports text channel?

Also email tickets are taking too much time to routing. We have multiple agents with spare capacity, but tickets continue without assignee 15 minutes after creation



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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Gustavo,

Currenty SMS Text's are not supported - would you like them to be treated the same as email tickets or messages?

Could you email me an example of some of the tickets that are taking a long time? On our side, we see tickets typically being assigned within half a second assuming that an agent is available



Hi, I was hoping to use this as a Round Robin option, but as we do not yet have Messaging enabled, is this not possible for emails and tickets opened via the Help Center dashboard? 

We are looking into implementing Messaging but this will not be before February 2023. 

I have also tried to use the Round Robin add on from the marketplace but unfortunately we could not get security sign off for this so had to disable it. 

Round Robin seems like a very basic function, are there any other ways to set this up?


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