Ticket events show all the ticket updates and notifications, whether it's by a person or by a business rule, such as a trigger. By looking at the ticket events, you can see the complete history of a ticket. Events include ticket properties that are added, removed, or changed, as well as any external notifications associated with the ticket update.
You can also view the following video:
Viewing all events
Ticket events show all the updates and notifications that have occurred to that ticket. Events are not shown by default. You have the option to show ticket events alongside the ticket comments.
Reviewing ticket events can help you trace the path of a ticket and troubleshoot any issues. For example, you can see whether a trigger has fired or what type of browser the end-user was using.
- If you're using the Zendesk Agent Workspace, open a ticket and click the events
icon (
) in the conversation header to toggle between ticket conversations and events.
If you're not using the Zendesk Agent workspace, open a ticket and click Conversations under the active comment area, then select Events.
- Review the ticket events displayed.
The events for each ticket update appear separately. For more information about the information shown in events, see Understanding what is shown in ticket events.
If a field's value was changed, the new value appears along with the crossed-out previous value, allowing you to easily see what changed.
For example, if an agent changed a ticket status from Open to Pending, the update appears in Show all events like this:
- To preview the email sent for that notification, click the ID next to a notification.
- (Enterprise only) To view the specific version of any trigger that fired, click the trigger's title.
- When you finish viewing ticket events, click Events, then select Conversations.
Understanding what is shown in ticket events
Subject: The subject of the ticket
Form: The ticket form (if your plan supports multiple forms)
If you're working with contextual workspaces, the Form that you see in ticket events may not match the form that is displayed. Once an update has been made to the ticket, then the Form will update appropriately.
Group: The group responsible for the ticket
Organization: The organization associated with the ticket
Type: The type of the ticket (Incident, question, problem, or task)
Total time spent (sec) and Time spent last update (sec): If you're using the Time Tracking app, these fields display the total time agents have spent on the ticket and the time spent on the last ticket update. Time displays in seconds.
Status: The status of the ticket (new, open, pending, on-hold, solved, or closed)
Requester: The person who created the ticket
Priority: The priority of the ticket (low, normal, high, or urgent)
Assignee: The agent assigned to the ticket
Custom field: A custom field an administrator has added to the ticket form
CCs: Anyone who was CC'd on the ticket
Messaging session inactive: The activity status of a messaging conversation
changed to inactive
Messaging session ended: Indicates that the messaging session has ended and
the reason for it
Transformed from Messaging to Email: Indicates when the omnichannel routing
setting to route all agent-ended messaging sessions as email
tickets has been applied to a ticket, and the ticket is now being treated as
an email ticket for routing purposes
In addition to new and changed ticket properties, you can see triggers, automations, routing, and email communications that occur in the background with ticket updates.
Email notification:
Trigger: Any triggers that have affected the ticket, such as a trigger that
notifies the assignee
Enterprise customers can click a trigger's title to view the specific version of any trigger that fired (see Viewing the trigger revision history).
Message pushed to target: A message sent to a cloud-based third-party target,
like JIRA.
Offered to: Any agent who was offered the messaging conversation ticket and, if
applicable, the skills omnichannel routing considered when offering the ticket. Maximum
of 20 offered to events recorded per ticket.
User information
At the bottom of the information you see when you click Show all events, you can view details about the submitting users' location, browser, and IP address if that information is captured by the channel. User profile updates affected by triggers aren't captured in the ticket event log.
Submission channel: If a ticket is submitted through a channel other than the
web form, such as X (formerly Twitter) or email, details about the channel
User agent string: A string that identifies browser information and other system details. This is only available for the web ticket form unless you capture this in a channel you develop.
IP address: The IP address used for that ticket update. Keep in mind that this information isn't always available or accurate.
Location: The IP location for that ticket update. Keep in mind that this information isn't always available or accurate, especially if the user is using a VPN.
Celeste Lopez
Podrían apoyarme, cuando intento contestar vía whastapp me aparece el siguiente error:
al validar con algunos usuarios no les llegan mis respuestas y en muchos casos tampoco les llegan los archivos adjuntos, me podrían apoyar en como corregir este error.
Can you please add guidance for "Tags" - this is not mentioned in this article. But there is a "Tags" line in our list of Events. For example, it would be helpful to understand how to find a tag that is listed. I see some tags that I have not idea where they are coming from. So I'd like to know 1. how to find their origin, and 2. how to prevent them from getting added to a ticket in the future.
Timothy Beutler
Can someone please clarify for me the timing of the events as they occur? Are the ones at the top the newest, or the oldest?
We are NOT using the Agent Workspace, so my intuition is the oldest event is at the bottom, since oldest emails are also at the bottom. Is this correct?
CJ Johnson
This article now no longer states like it did as recently as last week, that IP is always captured for chat. Sure enough, it appears none of my chat tickets have an IP anymore as of today. Are we to infer this is in an intentional product change? This is a huge feature removal, I was so confused that this disappeared without notice. This information has also been completely removed from the ticket audit log as well.

DJ Buenavista Jr.
Thank you for reaching out to Zendesk Support.
In regards to your concern, I have tried and tested this and it's still showing the IP address in the events of the ticket. LIke what the article here mentioned, the following may may not be present at times, depending on the end-user as well, especially if they are using VPN.
Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead!
Kind regards,
Jeff Garris
Sorry, but this is a useless guide. I can find no place in Zendesk Sell where there is a link to open tickets, or events. Not in Communications, not in Get Help - nowhere. I have an open ticket and I get emails to check on the status, but clicking on the ticket number or the Get Help link DO NOT TAKE YOU TO THE TICKET!
Natalia Lutsevich
I confirm what CJ Johnson said. After upgrading to Agent Workspace, in the chat we cannot see user's info about IP, country and platform they use.
I can only see that info about our agents.
Please clarify this.
A lot of things depend on the user's platform and country when our agents chat with them.
Riccardo Centomo
Sorry but what "Internal" stand for?
The original message was:
Jeff Garris,
The ability to view ticket events is not for Zendesk Sell but for Zendesk Support.
Riccardo Centomo,
"Internal" in ticket comments only means that it was added as an internal/private comment.
Riccardo Centomo
Sorry Dane but, as you can see in my screenshot, the comment was public.. I know the ticket internal comment are view in different way and it has yellow evidence in the messaging history of the ticket..
So what stand for "Internal" in the ticket events?
Riccardo Centomo,
Oh sorry, I did not notice the comment included in the screenshot. I'll create a ticket for you to investigate on this one further. Please wait for my update via email. The expected behavior is all internal comments should have the "Internal Badge" next to the commenter name. However, you have it even though the comment is public.
Dave Dyson
Matthew Hesse
To reiterate what Timothy Beutler said above (and to expand on it, since no one specifically replied to his post), I not only want to know in what order Events are listed in the log, but it would be great to actually have the date-time stamp as part of the event log. Knowing what triggers happened when, especially in context with the "conversation" part of a ticket, is extremely important to better understand what happened in what order, which ultimately allows us to be better able to tweak our tagging structures, event-handling, etc.
Dave Dyson
And just in case you haven't seen this, there's some detailed information about what order triggers run in here: Understanding when triggers run and fire
Roman Panov
Hi, There.
We are using Zendesk API to scrape tickets + comments. We found the incremental exports API available for tickets as well as for ticket events. To capture comments we are using the comment_events side-load with ticket events. We are using the same start time for tickets and events and then merging these 2 steams by ticket_id. We consider reaching the latest event when ticket.updated_by == ticket_event.created_by.
The problem is that the Incremental Export events API doesn't return comment events for the "closed" tickets (as well as for "deleted"). There are comments if we hit the ticket comments API directly: https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/{ticket_id}/comments.
Is it a bug? Or our algorithm is wrong? Do we have to use different start_time for tickets and for the events?
Is there any way to get ticket comments from the Incremental Export events API for the "closed" / "deleted" tickets?
Hi there,
Is anyone able to help with either removing this user or updating this user who's posting event information in our tickets? He was our Team Leader who has since moved on to greener pastures and we'd like to have our new Team Leader be the 'person' who posts event info in our tickets, not James as pictured below.
Any info or help on how to change this would be appreciated. Thanks!
Greg Katechis
Hi Casey! This looks like it's an internal integration that your company has set up. I'm guessing that there is probably an API token being used in that service, so whoever has access to that would just need to update the authenticating admin to a new user of your choice.
Mike Chiu
I use Incremental Export API with item ticket_events, and I am confused about the fields in response.
I think for the field event_type within child_events, mostly it maps to the events list in ticket_audit_reference , but the fields seems like not.
For example, here is one of the child_events returned:
And I have no idea about what is the field has been change thru this event.
Is there any detailed document to describe the response format of ticket_events of incremental export api?
In order to do tech troubleshooting, I'd like to be able to see which browser & OS the user was on when they submitted their ticket.
In events, it shows a browser type & version, but why does it show multiple browsers? How come it can't identify which browser the ticket was actually submitted from?
As in your example in the article:
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
Hi Nikki,
Those are just the user agent string so it's not actually the actual browser that they used to contact your team. What you'd need to do is copy-paste that information over to https://www.useragentstring.com/index.php & it'll analyze which browser they used.
It might also be worth checking out this community post by Martijn which would add the end-user browser information to your agent's view: How to Include end-user browser information via Help Center. Hope this helps!
Permanently deleted user
Someone else asked and I don't see an answer; what is the order in which the Events are displayed under each date? We use the Zendesk Agent Workspace, and the event dates display oldest to newest top to bottom, but what is the order of the changes, triggers, automations, etc., that are displayed under each date?
Noly Maron Unson
Hi Blazer,
The order of updates is listed from top to bottom with the top ones being the first to take effect in the ticket.
For example, the image below shows that the email notification was sent first before adding the tags bbs_2 followed by setting the ticket to Open and then ultimately the trigger acted last removing the tags bbs_2 and bbs_1.
Hope this helps.
Craig Bailey
I used to be able to see the email notification contents. But lately, I'm only seeing the email template? Has this changed? A bug? Do I not remember correctly??
For example, clicking the #20079185790995 link shown here, gives the dialog below.
Noly Maron Unson
Hi Craig,
It is possible that what you have seen before is a notification that uses mostly text and not placeholders. If a placeholder is used for the notification it will show the placeholders instead of the text in the preview.
Hope this helps.
Is there any way to see a history of where they have been or what the bot has told them?
We seems to be sending duplicate information that people had already found it on our guide or via the bot. Can you add a history to the ticket so we can see the previous interactions?
If we knew what they had already looked at we could skip an interaction or 2 with the customer, speeding up the resolution greatly.
Ivan Miquiabas
If you are referring to the history of bot conversation, you can see it on the ticket itself. Something like this:
While viewing the path URL is possible using the page view check this article out.
Imani S. Hunter
It would be incredibly helpful to have a shortcut key to populate the ticket events.
Shawna James
Chris Lenzini
Hey I'm just curious – browser (useragent) + IP address information are available in each Ticket Event (Audit) of course, at least within the Zendesk Agent interface – as well as the incremental Ticket Event Export (and I assume Audit, not sure the difference between Audit and Event or if Event was renamed over the years). – My question – other than via the Zendesk API, is there a good way to export a list of browser/ IP address information for a list of tickets? I do not believe either of these are available via Zendesk Explore — I do see country, latitude, longitude, but not the fields I want. Any other options?
Currently, the only way to export this is through the Zendesk API. However, this could be a great feature to request!
I suggest creating a new post in the General Product Feedback topic in our community to connect with other users who share similar needs and explore potential solutions. Posts with active discussions often catch the attention of our product managers during roadmap planning.
Paolo | Technical Support Engineer | Zendesk