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Understanding how omnichannel routing uses queues to route work to agents

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Jacquelyn Brewer

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




How do you see how many tickets are in a queue? Is all of the reporting still group based? Trying to get a feel for how this function will perform, but not seeing anything in the UI or in Explore 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi , we have live queue reporting coming in May which will show you:

- number of tickets in queue

- average queue wait time

- longest queue wait time

We will be adding to these over time.....


Is there any plan to add more control over these queues? Specifically sorting by SLA breach time would be a huge win


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager


Currently queues order by priority first and then date created. Assuming all the tickets are the same priority, then tickets in the queue that are closest to SLA breach will be at the top. 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

However, is it the case that you want tickets in other lower priority queues that are closer to SLA to be assigned to a group first? i.e. you want the routing engine to ignore the queue priority ?


Hey Barry, thanks for the explanation. 

Yes, that's exactly right. We've found previously that when we sort by Priority and then sort by created date within that priority, a small spike in New tickets can cause lower priority tickets to significantly breach the SLA policies. We're already applying different SLA targets based on the ticket priority, so having the option to ignore priority or sort based on our own criteria would help us to avoid any such backlog issues in future. 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Just to confirm, normally you would want higher priority tickets to be assigned  to a group first, and then lower priority ones. However if a lower priority ticket has breached their SLA (or about to breach), you would want them to be moved to the top of the queue?

Or is it that independent of priority, you want the tickets that are closest to SLA breach always be at the top? 


Independent of priority, we want tickets closest to SLA breach to be at the top, because priority has already been taken into account when applying these SLA targets. 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Great thanks.

One last question, when ordering it should be by First Reply Time SLA objective?


Good question, I'm not sure. 

Like I say, we're sorting our views by 'Time to SLA Breach' at the moment and I think this factors in all SLA policies, with the policy closest to breach being used to order. We've not done anything specific to configure that though, just used Zendesk's own in-build 'Order by SLA' rule within the view. 


Can we introduce the capability to route multiple new or open+unassigned tickets from the same end user to the same agent vs. sending these to multiple? This would save us from some double work + giving conflicting resolutions. 


How does this work with Talk and assigning overflow calls to a secondary group when the primary group has no availability?


Will agents need to have specific skills and be assigned to an “overflow” queue.


Hello Barry Neary  , if would be very nice to be able to use the Queue as a column in agent views.

So that we can have a quick look of the real backlog of each queue in the “New tickets” view.

Thank you


Olá, boa tarde!


Conseguimos de alguma forma redistribuir tickets em caso de agentes mudarem seu status no OCR para Offline?


This is a great addition, and i saw you can even add in the queue rating from 1-100.

I was wondering how can it tackle my issues here.

Issue #1

We have working hour between 5am - 10pm, and other than that, all of the queues come in as Offline messages and i set it to low priority.

The idea is that when agent comes online at 5am, they will receive online tickets first and offline tickets at the same time there. However, our issues is when agent goes online at 5am, they are receiving on Offline messages, up to their max capacity.

So in between replying to the Offline messages, Online Messages comes in, the tickets need to wait up until the agent closes one of the Offline Tickets, then it will be assigned.


So my question here , would we be able to set on this priority and be able to route Online chats directly (even if at max capacity)


Issue #2

Client is a high tier client, so the idea is that he would be able to get the first reply regardless of priority, would you suggest, we create a different groups for them and use on this queue priority and set it to 1? Would it be able to help on its first reply time? 


Thank you

Faridzuan Kamarulhisham


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Artur Antonio Licnerski Junior : Currently when an agent goes offline and you want all of their messages to be reassigned to other agents in the group the options are:

1) Agent bulk edits their tickets to set the assignment to Null

2) You use the Out of Office app


OCR has the ability to reassign if the tickets reopens when the agent is offline. It is on the roadmap to offer the option to reassign all tickets when agent goes offline



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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Farid :

#1: could you create two queues: one for tickets arriving inside business hours which you set at queue priority 1 and the other for tickets outside. Then allocate the same agent group to both but they will business hours messages first 


#2: you could break up the business hours tickets into two further queues: one for VIP , one for non VIPs and set the priority of the VIP queue to be the highest 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Max, this feature is on our long term roadmap - no ETA at present 


Guys, you need to create custom fields and tags, and then via triggers, populate values into these tags/fields at the time of ticket creation or updation to identify tickets (based on various factors). Use these custom fields and tags to then create various custom queues on which you can run the OCR



D.Fitz you need to create an ‘automation’ to populate ‘priority’ field of a ticket (urgent, high, normal, low) based on the "time for SLA breach" and then the tickets within a queue automatically get ordered based on this ticket ‘priority’


Donna Haddigan  You could create an automation to disable any kind of auto-release of the ‘assignee’ of a ticket based on assignee schedules or capacity rules like even if the ‘assignee’ goes on a break or ends the shift or is unavailable, set assignee as “current user” for tickets assigned to a specific assignee. 

We do it the other way round, we auto-release the tickets assigned to a assignee in a group to NULL after 2 hours of inaction (new, open, pending ticket statuses) so that it can get assigned to some other available agent in the group


Explore this - you might need to use skill based routing with shared views



Are we still on track to expect queue data reporting release in May? 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Connor, yes - we are still on track


Could you explain how the routing handles reopened tickets compared to new ones? 

Do reopened tickets, given their earlier creation date, take precedence over new ones?


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Rashed


This is explained  here on this page




How does the assignment to queues work when updating a ticket? Does it work like triggers, that on every update it will check all conditions of the queues until it matches?

I have tickets that were routed to group A, assignee X, then assigned to group B (not to an assignee) but the ticket is not added to a queue anymore


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Anton


Yes, each time ticket is updated the queue conditions are checked but only if they are still in the queue. By default, once a ticket is assigned and leaves a queue, when its reassigned it does not go back through the queue logic. 

However we can change this for your account so on reassignment (or unassignment) the ticket will go back through the queue logic, if you wish?


Hi Barry Neary yes please enable this for my account.

Is this something that will be a feature we can enable ourself in the Admin Center?


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

I will DM you directly


Hi Barry Neary I'm also curious about being able to enable this ourselves. Currently I'm testing Omnichannel routing and Messaging in our Sandbox. Is this something we'll be able to enable ourselves in Admin Center? Could you help me to enable it in our Sandbox instance? Thanks!


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