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Jacquelyn Brewer

Joined Apr 14, 2021


Last activity Feb 07, 2025

Zendesk Documentation Team





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Jacquelyn Brewer created an article,

ArticleManaging your account

Available on Suite Growth plans and aboveAvailable on Support Professional plans and above

Inspecting account configurations is currently part of an early access program (EAP). You can sign up for the Configuration Management EAP here.
Quick Look: Admin Center > Account > Configuration management > Inspection

Admins can use the Inspect page in Admin Center to produce a summary of their account configurations for their Zendesk environments. Rather than jumping around to each separate page, you can quickly review everything from account-level settings to business rules, channels, and organizations. This makes it easier for admins to manage the account and deploy changes from premium sandboxes to production accounts.

To inspect an account configuration
  1. In Admin Center, click Account in the sidebar, then select Configuration management > Inspection.
  2. Select the Environment (account) that you want to inspect.

    This can take up to 20 seconds for very large instances.

  3. Click on a configuration item's name to expand and inspect it. You can also search for specific configurations by name.

Inspecting configurations

The following configurations are available for inspection during the EAP:
  • Account
    • Business hours
    • Support addresses
    • Brands
    • Locales
  • People
    • Groups
    • Tags
    • Custom roles (Enterprise plans only)
    • Organization configurations
    • Organization fields
    • User configurations
    • User fields
  • Workspaces
    • Workspace order
    • View order
    • Macros
  • Objects and rules
    • Tickets
      • Forms
      • Fields
      • Tags
      • Statuses
    • Custom objects and their fields
    • Omnichannel routing configuration
    • Business rules
      • Ticket triggers
      • Automations
      • Service level agreements (SLAs)
  • Apps and integrations
    • App installations
    • Email targets
    • Webhooks
    • OAuth clients
  • Guide
    • Articles
    • Translations
    • Sections
    • Settings (including languages, permissions, themes)

Edited Feb 03, 2025 · Jacquelyn Brewer







Jacquelyn Brewer created an article,

ArticleWhat's new in Zendesk


Click Follow in the What's New section to be notified each month when the What's New is published.

Check out what's new in the last month:

Also don't miss:


  • You can use Department Spaces to restrict agents to manage only tickets associated with their assigned brands, if you support multiple brands. This ensures focused support, enhances data privacy, and promotes specialized product knowledge. See Restricting agent ticket access by brand.
  • You can now configure side conversation child ticket settings. These new settings offer more flexibility and control over your child ticket workflows. See Configuring side conversation child ticket settings.

    side conversation child ticket settings in Admin Center

AI agents (Ultimate)

  • You can now create zero-training AI agents on your own, without having to contact your account manager. This gives you greater flexibility to create AI agents for new channels and testing purposes. See Creating a zero-training AI agent.

Objects and rules

  • Omnichannel routing now recognizes three priority levels for optional skills. Rather than dropping all optional skills after a skills timeout occurs, only the lowest-priority optional skills are dropped from consideration. On each subsequent timeout, the next lowest priority skills are dropped until only the required skills remain. See Adding and managing skills on tickets.

  • Omnichannel routing can now order tickets for assignment by time to SLA breach rather than priority and eligibility timestamp. By prioritizing tickets nearing or past SLA breaches, you can align omnichannel routing with your service agreements and goals. See Understanding how omnichannel routing uses queues to route work to agents.
  • Custom objects now support autonumbering and enforced uniqueness for record names. Whether you want agents to manually enter unique names for custom object records or have unique names automatically generated in a user-specified format for a custom object's records, both allow you to rely on the record name as a unique identifier. See Creating custom objects to integrate with custom data.
  • Users can now be prompted to select custom object records related to their tickets when submitting a request. Ticket lookup relationship fields that point to custom objects can be made visible to end users, which can increase the efficiency with which agents can resolve their tickets. See Workflow recipe: Building a product catalog with custom objects for customers to use.


  • A new version of the public Facebook channel is available. This version supports additional Facebook Pages, removes limitations, reduces latency, and improves stability. See Setting up your public Facebook channel to learn how to migrate.


The new Explore dashboard builder is now available. The new dashboard builder provides intuitive tools and gives you more control over your dashboard layouts. Don't worry; you can continue to create dashboards in the legacy dashboard builder until Q4 2025. See Migrating legacy Explore dashboards to the new dashboard builder to get started.

side conversation child ticket settings in Admin Center

Zendesk QA

Zendesk WFM

  • New Utilization metric in Zendesk WFM. The new utilization metric provides critical insights into how effectively your team uses their time. It shows the percentage of paid hours that agents are logged in and either assisting customers or available to assist customers. See WFM custom report metrics
  • Bulk edit shift start and end times in Zendesk WFM. Managers can now adjust the start and end times of multiple shifts in a single action. This includes changing shifts to start an hour later or on a different day. See Editing your WFM schedule for multiple agents.

AI agents (Zendesk)

  • Migration from Answer Bot resolutions and Zendesk MAUs to automated resolutions is complete. All legacy accounts have been migrated to the new automated resolutions pricing model. See Changes for Answer Bot resolution and MAU users

New and notable

Edited Dec 04, 2024 · Jacquelyn Brewer







Jacquelyn Brewer created an article,

ArticleUsing objects and rules

Available on all Suite plansAvailable on Support Enterprise plans

Quick Look: Admin Center > Objects and rules > Custom objects > Objects 

Within Zendesk Support, you can use lookup relationship fields to create many-to-one relationships between objects. However, there are many scenarios that would be more accurately represented by a many-to-many relationship. For example, in an asset management workflow, employees might be assigned multiple assets and an individual asset might be assigned to multiple employees.

This article explains how to use custom objects and lookup relationship fields to define data-rich many-to-many relationships in Zendesk.

Understanding object relationships

Defining how objects are related to each other in Zendesk is a key part of making your data usable. These relationships are the blueprint for how records are connected and your larger data model. There are two common relationship types:
  • Many-to-one: Records of the first object can be related to none, one, or many records of the second object. This is how lookup relationship fields work, with the object the field is created on being the first object, and the field selected as the target being the second object. For example, end users can submit many requests (tickets), but each ticket has only one requester (end user).
  • Many-to-many: Records of the first object relate to none, one, or many records of the second object, and each object of the second type relates to none, one, or many records of the second object. For example, agents can be assigned to multiple groups, and each group can contain multiple agents.

Zendesk has already defined some standard relationships, such as users to tickets (ticket requester, assignee, followers), tickets to organizations, agents to groups, and so on. Admins can also use lookup relationship fields to define custom relationships between objects. Lookup relationship fields are how the data in custom object records is integrated into your Zendesk workflows, but can also be used to define custom relationships between standard Zendesk objects. However, unlike the standard object relationships which can be one-to-many or many-to-many, lookup relationship fields always define one-to-many relationships.

However, if you combine custom objects with lookup relationship fields, it is possible to create many-to-many relationships. This is accomplished through the creation of an object that is used as an intermediary or junction object. Specifically, you must take the following steps to build this sort of relational model:
  1. Identify the two objects you want to build a many-to-many relationship between. Think of these as the primary objects.
  2. Create an intermediary object (the junction object) with two lookup relationship fields, one pointing to the first primary object and another pointing to the second primary object, as well as any other custom fields you might want.
  3. Create records for the junction object.

    The records will be visible as related under the primary objects.

Example: Creating many-to-many relationships for asset management

There are many valuable use cases for complex many-to-many relationships. However, let's work through an example of an IT team managing assets assigned to employees. In this scenario, employees are typically assigned to multiple assets and some assets can be assigned to more than one user at a time.

Identify the primary objects

In this scenario, the two primary objects are User and Asset.

Users is a standard Zendesk object that records users in all roles for the account. In this case, we'll focus on the user records associated with the employees. User records consist of standard fields, such as name, email, and phone, as well as any other custom user fields that admins created, such as preferred communication channel or designation.

Asset is a custom object created by an admin with the following fields:
  • Asset name: A text field with the name of the asset.
  • Serial number: A text field used to record serial numbers associated with hardware assets.
  • Product type: A drop-down field with the following options: Hardware, Software, and Subscription.
  • Purchase date: A date field that reflects when the asset was acquired.
  • Warranty expiration: A date field that reflects when the warranty for the asset expires.

For the purposes of this example, user records and asset records already exist. If they didn't, an admin could use the data importer to bulk import records.

Create the junction object

In this scenario, the junction object is used to connect multiple users and assets. This is accomplished by adding at least two lookup relationship fields to the object, one connecting to each of the primary objects.

To create the asset assignment junction object
  1. In Admin Center, click Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Custom objects > Objects.
  2. Click Create object.
  3. Enter the following information:
    • Name: Asset assignment
    • Plural display name: Asset assignments
    • Object key: asset_assignment
    • (Optional) Description: A junction object to relate many users and many assets.
  4. Click Create object.
  5. Open the custom object's Name field (field key standard::name), and make the following changesL
    • Change the Name to Assignment ID.
    • Under Record name type, select Name records with autonumbering, and enter a Prefix of Assignment#and a Starting number of 0000001.
    Note: Record naming settings can't be changed after records are created for the custom object.
  6. Click the Fields tab and click Add field to add the following custom fields to the object.
    • Select Lookup relationship. Set the Name to Employee and under Select a related object, select User.
    • Select Lookup relationship. Set the Name to Asset and under Select a related object, select Assets.
    • Select Date and set the Name to Start date. Optionally, add the following description: The date the asset was assigned.
    • Select Date and set the Name to End date. Optionally, add the following description: The date the assignment ends.
    • Select Multi-line and set the Name to Notes. Optionally, add the following description: A multi-line text field for agents to capture additional information about the assignment.

Building the relationships

To build out the relationships between assets and employees, you'll create asset assignment records. Because of the lookup relationship fields, the data in the asset assignment records is visible in the related object's records, too. In this case, an employee's profile will list all assigned assets and an asset record will list all assigned employees.

For the purposes of this example, we're going to add asset assignment records involving two agents (William Carlton and Harper Yoshimotot) and three assets (A001, A002, and A003).

To add asset assignment records for an employee
  1. In Support, click the Custom objects icon () in the sidebar.
  2. Select the Asset assignment object.
  3. On the Asset assignment list, click Add.
  4. Enter the following information, clicking Add to save each record, and then Add to initiate the creation of the next.

    The record names are autonumbered, so they won't be editable.

    Assignment ID: Assignment#0000094
    • Employee: Select William Carlton.
    • Asset: Select A001.
    • Start date: Select 08/05/2022.
    • Notes: Enter New employee
    Assignment ID: Assignment#0000096
    • Employee: Select William Carlton.
    • Asset: Select A003.
    • Start date: Select 08/05/2022.
    • Notes: Enter New employee.
    Assignment ID: Assignment#0000095
    • Employee: Select Harper Yoshimoto.
    • Asset: Select A002.
    • Start date: Select 10/19/2024.
    • End date: Select 04/19/2025.
    • Notes: Enter New temporary employee.
    Assignment ID: Assignment#0000097
    • Employee: Select Harper Yoshimoto.
    • Asset: Select A003.
    • Start date: Select 10/19/2024.
    • End date: Select 04/19/2025.
    • Notes: Enter New temporary employee.

Viewing the relationships

After creating the asset assignment records, you can view the related asset, employee, and asset assignment records in the following ways:
  • User profiles: The Related tab of an employee's profile will contain a list of assigned assets.
  • Asset records: An asset's record will contain a list of employees it's assigned to.
  • Asset assignment records: An asset assignment record will list both the employee and asset assigned.
In this example, the following related records would be visible:
  • On William Carlton's profile page, the Related tab displays two asset assignment records: Assignment#0000094 and Assignment#0000096.

  • On Harper Yoshimoto's profile page, the Related tab displays two asset assignment records: Assignment#0000095 and Assignment#0000097.

  • The A001 asset record displays one asset assignment record (Assignment#0000094), which is listed as assigned to William Carlton.

  • The A002 asset record displays one asset assignment record (Assignment#0000095), which is listed as assigned to Harper Yoshimoto.

  • The A003 asset record displays two asset assignment records: Assignment#0000096 and Assignment#0000097 with assignments to both William Carlton and Harper Yoshimoto.

Edited Nov 26, 2024 · Jacquelyn Brewer







Jacquelyn Brewer created an article,

ArticleUsing objects and rules

Available on all Suite plansAvailable on all Support plans

Ticket triggers are the primary method by which notifications are sent to end users from your account. However, they can also be sent by automations and other business rules. Notifications to users can be sent by email, text message, or posts on X (formerly Twitter). Of these, only email supports formatted content. Text messages and X posts must be in plain text.

There are two layers to consider when formatting email notifications:
  • HTML template: The HTML template for emails controls the overall design and structure of email notifications. See Customizing your email templates for notifications.
  • Notification body: The body of the notification is the text inserted into the {{content}} placeholder of the email templates. This can be plain text or formatted text, and is defined within the trigger's notification action.
This article describes the following options and considerations for formatting the content of email notifications:

Using HTML to format the content of email notifications

HTML tags can be used to format the body of email notifications sent by ticket triggers and other business rules. However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:
  • The content you specify for an email notification in a ticket trigger is inserted into the {{content}} placeholder in the email templates. Ensure the content you enter in the trigger notification action is compatible with the content of your email templates.
  • The way email clients and web browsers render HTML varies. To provide a more consistent experience and to reduce issues, such as being interpreted as spam, follow these guidelines for customizing HTML emails.
  • You might need to compress the HTML for some triggers. You can use compression tools, such as Text Fixer.
  • If you see extra gaps or spaces in the content emailed to customers, remove all unnecessary characters, such as line breaks.
  • HTML isn't supported when using dynamic content in the body of the email notification action for ticket triggers.

Using Liquid markup to format the content of email notifications

Liquid is a templating language for rendering HTML. It's the mechanism that enables the automated placement of data in email notifications using placeholders. In addition to placeholders, Liquid can also be used to create simple programming logic about how the content is expressed in the notification, such as if/else statements, case statements, and variable assignments.

For more information and examples, see Understanding Liquid markup and Zendesk Support.

Edited Nov 22, 2024 · Jacquelyn Brewer







Jacquelyn Brewer commented,

CommentCustom data

taku and Dane End user permissions for accessing custom object records are now available.

View comment · Posted Nov 07, 2024 · Jacquelyn Brewer







Jacquelyn Brewer created an article,

ArticleWorkflow best practices and recipes

Available on all Suite plans

Available on Enterprise Support plans

Custom objects provide a way for Zendesk admins to build a product catalog with custom objects and then make the data available to agents, customers, business rules, and reporting.

Previously, admins might have attempted to use drop-down fields rather than ticket lookup relationship fields that point to a custom object to create a simple list of products.

This recipe uses custom objects, custom object record permissions, the data importer, lookup relationship fields, ticket triggers.

Workflow goal

ShoeLaLa is a shoe company that sells more than 5,000 models of shoes across multiple categories, such as running shoes, lifestyle shoes, boots, and sandals. As the Zendesk admin for ShoeLaLa, you've been asked to create a product catalog that can be used in the ticket form, so customers must select the specific shoe they have an issue with when submitting a complaint. You'll also use this information to help route tickets to the correct agents and improve reporting on product issues.

Creating a custom object to use as a product catalog

The first thing you need to do is create a custom object named Product, which will serve as your product catalog. Each record for the Product object represents a different shoe sold by ShoeLaLa.

To create your Product custom object
  1. In Admin Center, click Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Custom objects > Objects.
  2. Click Create object.
  3. Under Name enter Product, and under Plural display name, enter Products.
  4. Under Object key, enter product.
  5. Click Create object.
  6. Click the Fields tab, click Add field, and add the following fields:
    1. For the Type, select Drop-down and enter Style for the display name. Add your style values and tags, and then click Save and add another.
    2. For the Type, select Multi-line and enter Description for the display name. Click Save and add another.
    3. For the Type, select Checkbox and then enter Active for the display name. Click Save and add another.
    4. For the Type, select Multi-select and then enter Colors available for the display name. Add your color values and tags, and then click Save and add another.
    5. For the Type, select Multi-select and then enter Sizes for the display name. Add the possible sizes and tags, and then click Save.
  7. Click Save.
Note: Optionally, you can use the Cards page in Admin Center to configure which fields are included and the order in which they are listed in the record preview for agents. See Configuring cards to view additional information in the Agent Workspace.

Configuring agent and end-user permissions for the product records

In this workflow, you want agents and end users to be able to view and select product records related to their tickets.

To configure user permissions for your product catalog
  1. In Admin Center, click Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Custom objects > Objects.
  2. Click Product to edit the product object.
  3. Click the Permissions tab.

For more details, see Configuring access to custom object records.

Importing your products into the catalog

When you use a custom object as a catalog, each product within the catalog is a record. In this scenario, you have an existing set of products that ShoeLaLa already sells that you need to import. For the purposes of this scenario, we're going to use the data importer. However, you can also use the Custom Object Records API to create records in bulk. In both cases, you can use object triggers and webhooks to keep your product data in Zendesk synchronized back to an external service, such as a sales CRM.

After the initial import, you can either perform additional bulk imports periodically or admins and agents can manually add new products as needed.

To import your product records
  1. Create a comma-separated value (CSV) file with columns for each of the object's fields you want to import values for, and add one product per row.

    Make sure to include unique external ID values for each record to ensure you can update the records with the data importer and API in the future. For additional guidelines, see Creating a custom object records CSV file.

  2. In Admin Center, click Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Tools > Data importer.
  3. Under Import type, select Create only.
  4. Under Target destination, select Product.
  5. Under File upload, drag and drop your file or click to upload and select your CSV file from the file browser.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Review the Field mapping list.
    • If the field mapping is correct, click Next.
    • If the field mapping isn't correct, click Back. Edit your CSV file to adhere to the format requirements, and then re-upload the file.
  8. Click Start import.

Incorporating the new product catalog into your ticket forms

Creating a ticket lookup relationship field named product

Lookup relationship fields are used to define how custom data is related to other objects within Zendesk. In this scenario, you want customers to select a product while submitting a ticket. That means the lookup relationship field must be created as a ticket field that points to the Product object.

To create a ticket lookup relationship field that points to the product catalog
  1. In Admin Center, click Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Tickets > Fields.
  2. For the Display name, enter Product.
  3. Under Permissions, select Customers can edit.

    This is the only option that allows the field to be visible as part of the request forms in the help center.

  4. Select Required to submit a request.
  5. Under Related object, select Product.

    In this workflow, no filters are required for this lookup field.

  6. Click Save.

Adding the product lookup field to your complaint ticket form

After you create a custom ticket field, you must add it to your ticket form in order for agents and end users to use it.

Note: Lookup fields in ticket forms are only visible to end users who are signed in.
To add the Product lookup field to your ticket forms
  1. In Admin Center, click Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Tickets > Forms.
  2. Create a new ticket form or edit your existing ticket form named Complaint.
  3. Select Editable for end users.
  4. Drag and drop the Product ticket field into the form.
  5. Click Save.

Grouping agents by the types of product they support

At ShoeLaLa, agents are grouped by the shoe styles they support. For example, one group of agents called Sports is responsible for handling all complaints related to sneakers, hiking boots, cleats, and so on, while another group of agents called Formal is responsible for handling complaints related to heels, loafers, fancy flats, and so on. This approach to grouping agents works well with this product catalog workflow.

To group agents by shoe categories they support
  1. In Admin Center, click People in the sidebar, then select Team > Groups.
  2. Create or edit groups of agents to handle complaints based on shoe style.

Creating ticket triggers to route requests based on the product selected

Because agents are grouped by the styles of shoes they support, you can use the product style values as conditions in ticket triggers and automatically assign them to the correct group.

To create a ticket trigger that assigns groups based on the related products' style
  1. In Admin Center, click Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Business rules > Triggers.
  2. Create or edit a trigger.
  3. Under Conditions, click Add condition to set up the trigger to meet Any of the style conditions you want to assign to the group of agents.

    For example, to assign all athletic styles of shoes to a group named Sports, you might use the following conditions:

    • Ticket > Product > Style | Is | Running
    • Ticket > Product > Style | Is | Hiking
    • Ticket > Product > Style | Is | Cleat

    See Building trigger condition statements.

  4. Under Actions, specify the following action:
    • Ticket > Group | Sports

    See Building trigger action statements.

  5. Click Save.

Reporting on your product catalog workflow (EAP)

After setting up your custom object workflow, you can use Explore to create reports based on lookup relationship field data. Specifically, you can use attributes of related custom object records to quantify ticket data, such as number of tickets by product, style, or whether the product is currently available.

To create a report for number of tickets for a style of shoe
  1. Open Explore, or click the Zendesk Products icon () from any Zendesk product, then select Explore.
  2. Click the reports icon ().
  3. Click the New report button.
  4. Select the Support - Tickets dataset.
  5. Click Start report.
  6. Replace New report with Ticket number by shoe type as the report name.
  7. Under Metrics, click Add.
  8. Select Tickets > Tickets.

    This appears as COUNT (Tickets) in the report's list of metrics.

  9. Under Columns, click Add.
  10. Select Ticket lookup relationships > Product - Style.
  11. Click Save.

Edited Jan 07, 2025 · Jacquelyn Brewer







Jacquelyn Brewer commented,


New EAP for custom objects:


Custom objects in Guide and Explore

The Custom objects in Guide and Explore EAP provides early access to multiple enhancements to custom objects. First, lookup fields pointing to custom objects can be included in your help center request forms. Second, you can configure end user permissions to view and interact with each custom object's records. Finally, you can also leverage expanded reporting on lookup relationship fields in Explore. Together, these features allow you to integrate custom objects into your end-user's experience and collect more complete data about how lookup relationship fields and custom objects are being used.

Learn more about the Custom objects in Guide and Explore EAP

View comment · Posted Oct 08, 2024 · Jacquelyn Brewer







Jacquelyn Brewer commented,


Kris Like many omnichannel routing configuration settings, this is currently only able to be set at the account level. However, this is great feedback for the product team. Feel free to re-post your comment in the community, where we collect and manage customer feedback and feature requests.

View comment · Posted Sep 10, 2024 · Jacquelyn Brewer







Jacquelyn Brewer commented,


Hi Mohamed Hosny and Muhammet Hasan Güngör. This feature is currently in the process of being rolled out. All accounts with omnichannel routing should have this feature by September 16. See the announcement for the latest information about the rollout. 

View comment · Posted Sep 10, 2024 · Jacquelyn Brewer







Jacquelyn Brewer created an article,

ArticleUsing objects and rules

Available on all Suite plansAvailable on all Support plans

Quick Look: Admin Center > Objects and rules > Omnichannel routing > Routing configuration
This article assumes omnichannel routing has been turned on for your account. See Turning on omnichannel routing.

Omnichannel routing is a highly configurable routing solution that can route tickets from email (including web form, side conversations, and API), calls, and messaging conversations. Agents are considered available to receive work through omnichannel routing when they have an eligible status and spare capacity for the channel.

When configuring omnichannel routing, you can choose whether to assign work based on the highest spare capacity or based on the time elapsed since agents last received work for that channel, which is commonly referred to as round robin.

Understanding how round robin routing changes the standard omnichannel routing behavior

The assignment methods for omnichannel routing are straightforward on the surface: either you're routing based on spare capacity or time since last assignment for the channel. However, the way these methods interact with other routing configuration options can help you make an informed decision when setting up your own omnichannel routing workflows.

When using round robin assignment, omnichannel routing bases the round robin assignment on the last time each available agent was assigned work for the channel (email, messaging, or calls). Therefore, it's important to understand that omnichannel routing considers the following events as assignments:
  • Any ticket assignment to an agent, whether manual or by omnichannel routing
  • A call or messaging ticket is offered to an agent
  • A ticket assigned to an agent is reopened
The following examples demonstrate how each assignment method would cause omnichannel routing to offer a messaging conversation ticket in different scenarios:

Scenario 1: Agents available

In this scenario, there are three agents in the group, all of whom have a status of Online.
  • Agent 1: Has a spare capacity of 1. Was assigned a messaging conversation ticket 5 minutes ago.
  • Agent 2: Has a spare capacity of 2. Was assigned a messaging conversation ticket 3 minutes ago.
  • Agent 3: Has a spare capacity of 3. Was assigned a messaging conversation ticket 1 minute ago.

Round robin

If you're using the round robin method, omnichannel routing assigns the messaging ticket to agent 1 because they've had the longest time elapsed since being assigned a ticket for the channel. This behavior is consistent across all channels.

Highest spare capacity

If you're using the standard method of highest spare capacity, omnichannel routing assigns the messaging ticket to agent 3 because they have the most spare capacity for the channel. This behavior is consistent across all channels.

Scenario 2: No agents have spare capacity

In this scenario, there are three agents in the group, all of whom have a status of Online and they are all at their maximum capacity for the messaging channel.
  • Agent 1: Has no spare capacity. Was assigned a messaging conversation ticket 5 minutes ago.
  • Agent 2: Has no spare capacity. Was assigned a messaging conversation ticket 3 minutes ago.
  • Agent 3: Has no spare capacity. Was assigned a messaging conversation ticket 1 minute ago.

In this scenario, omnichannel routing would behave the same way for both routing methods. The ticket would be assigned to the first agent that drops below their maximum capacity. This is true for all channels.

Scenario 3: Routing with focus mode turned on

In this scenario, there are three agents in the group, all of whom have a status of Online. Additionally, focus mode has been turned on.
  • Agent 1: Has a spare capacity of 4. Was assigned a messaging conversation ticket 5 minutes ago. Is on an active call.
  • Agent 2: Has a spare capacity of 2. Was assigned a messaging conversation ticket 3 minutes ago. Isn't on an active call.
  • Agent 3: Has a spare capacity of 4. Was assigned a messaging conversation ticket 1 minute ago. Isn't on an active call.

Round robin

If you're using the round robin method with focus mode, omnichannel routing assigns the messaging ticket to agent 2 because they've had the longest time elapsed since being assigned a ticket for the channel while also not having an active call. This is because focus mode prevents omnichannel routing from assigning messaging tickets to an agent while they're working on a call and vice versa. Email tickets are excluded from focus mode, and therefore would be routed to agent 1 in this scenario.

Additionally, if focus mode wasn't enabled but all other factors remained the same, omnichannel routing would assign the ticket to agent 1 because they've had the longest time elapsed since being assigned a ticket for the channel.

Highest spare capacity

If you're using the standard method of highest spare capacity with focus mode, omnichannel routing assigns the messaging ticket to agent 3 because they have the most spare capacity for the channel while also not having an active call. This is because focus mode prevents omnichannel routing from assigning messaging tickets to an agent while they're working on a call and vice versa.

Email tickets are excluded from focus mode, and therefore would be routed to agent 1 in this scenario because agent 1 and agent 3 have the same spare capacity, but agent 1 has gone longer without being assigned work for the channel. This would also be the behavior if focus mode was off but all other factors remained the same.

Turning on round robin routing

Round robin routing can be turned on in your omnichannel routing configuration.

To turn on round robin routing
  1. In Admin Center, click Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Omnichannel routing > Routing configuration.
  2. On the Routing Configuration page, click Edit next to the Initial routing configuration.
  3. Under Assignment method, select Round robin.
  4. Click Save.

Edited Sep 13, 2024 · Jacquelyn Brewer





