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Understanding and optimizing ticket forms

Edited Nov 15, 2023




In Zendesk Support, I have create a lot of ticket form, and different group. Is it possible limit the agent(in one of the group ) only can view one ticket form and set as default? It means that some agent or group can't see some specific ticket form.


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Jason Schaeffer

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Ping,

There is no way to restrict the ticket form to a group (or set of groups), you could use a trigger that identifies any update where an assignee attempts to use a ticket form that they are not allowed to use based on their group. This same logic can be used to prevent agents that support different brands from using a ticket form that belongs to a different brand. In this case, each brand would be supported by a specified group, these groups would then be restricted to specific forms as desired.

There is more information on this in the article below:

I hope that helps!

Jason Schaeffer | Customer Advocate |



clicking "Get started" beneath the Advanced column of this article returns you to this article.  So stupid.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey JC,
Sorry for the confusion and thanks for bringing this to our attention! I'm going to loop our documentation team in here so they can update the article with the relevant information.


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Charles Nadeau

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi JC, 
The links should now work:
Both should now go to the same, second article. The content on the second article is customized depending on the link you choose in the first article.

Thanks for reporting the issue.



Is there an accepted markup language for formatting the 'Description shown to end users'  component of a Form field? I've tried the obvious *space for bullet points with no success and even new lines are ignored.

We would like to add helpful guidance and examples for our users but the more complex ones appear as long strings of text.


Hi there Claudiu O. 

The article you have mentioned is now available:

I hope it helps.

Best regards.


Hi! Is there a way to use a form within another form?


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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Marjorie, 

Certain plans have the option to have multiple ticket forms. Unfortunately, there is not yet an option to add or use a form inside another form. 


Hi, Is there any configuration that allow end users to change ticket priority after the creation? 
Something as an escalation option?



Hi Ana, and welcome to the community!
Once a ticket is created, end-users can only add comments, or in some cases, mark their ticket as solved. They can't otherwise directly change the ticket status or other field values. It could be possible to create a Trigger that looks for key words or phrases in an end-user comment and use that to change the ticket priority, but the vagueries of human language can make that challenging -- if someone happens to use your keyword in another context, their ticket could be inadvertently upgraded in status, for example.


Have Enterprise plan. Created custom fields, created ticket form, saved ticket fields to ticket form. Conditional Fields not showing in Add Condition. Absolutely NO help from Autobot, which keeps referring to document on How to create a ticket field.



Is there anyway I can organize my forms using the concatenation option? Like, Form 1::Inside form.

For us it is imperative because we have a lot of forms and 3 company’s inside a single brand.


Hello, Does Zendesk have the ability to condition which forms appear for which organizations?


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