You can create conditional ticket fields to control the appearance and behavior of ticket fields in ticket forms. For example, you can limit the number of ticket fields that appear in ticket forms, and control the sequence in which ticket fields are presented to end users.
You must be an admin to create and manage conditional ticket fields.
This article includes these sections:
- About conditional ticket fields
- Creating conditional ticket fields and adding them to ticket forms
- About conditions and conditional statements
- Editing, duplicating, and removing conditional ticket fields on ticket forms
- How conditional ticket fields are saved
- Using conditional ticket fields with Web Widget (Classic)
About conditional ticket fields
With conditional ticket fields, only the fields that admins want agents and end users to see appear in ticket forms. Initially, only a few fields appear in the form. As the user fills in their answers, the form progressively adds sub-fields based on the users’ answers. This helps you collect more granular and relevant information about their problem or request.
For example, when you add a condition to a ticket form, you specify whether the condition is for agents or end users.
Conditions for agents affect ticket fields that appear in the agent interface. Conditions for end users affect ticket fields in forms that appear in the help center and Web Widget (Classic).
By limiting the number of fields that initially display, you make it so that agents and end users complete only the fields that are required or relevant fields. This results in a better experience and time-savings for both end users and agents.
Creating conditional ticket fields and adding them to ticket forms
Adding conditions to ticket forms creates conditional ticket fields that agents and end users encounter when they complete a ticket form. Each form can have up to 1500 conditions per user type.
To add conditions to ticket forms
- In Admin Center, click
Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Tickets > Forms.
- Move the cursor over the ticket form that you want to add conditions to, then click the options menu (
) on the right side and select Conditions.
A new page appears.
- From the Conditions for drop-down list, choose a type of user (Agents or End users).
- To view the conditions that are already on the ticket form, click the expand icon (
) to expand the sections.
You can edit, duplicate, and delete conditions at this stage also, if you want to.
- Click the Add condition button.
- In the dialog box that displays, create a conditional statement by defining these items. When you are done, click the Add button to add the condition to the ticket form.
- When filling out this field
- If value is
- Then show these fields
- Required (see Making conditional ticket fields required)
The Add another check box causes the dialog box to remain open after you click the Add button, so that you can continue to add another condition, if needed.
- Once you are done, remember to click the Save button to save the changes to the ticket form. Otherwise, your changes are lost.
About conditions and conditional statements
A conditional ticket field is a ticket field within a ticket form that only appears to agents and end users some of the time, under certain circumstances. Those circumstances are defined by the admin in a condition (or condition statement), which is an if-then statement, or rule, that is associated with a specific ticket form.
For example, notice that the words if and then are used in the interface where the admin creates a condition for end users.
The same thing happens with conditions for agents. If-then statements are always part of creating conditions.
It's important to note that Required is different depending on whether the condition is for an end user or an agent (see the screenshots above). For more information about these differences, see Making conditional ticket fields required.
This table explains the parts of a conditional statement in more detail.
Setting | Description |
When filling out this field |
Specify a field that you want to apply conditions to. This will be the “conditional ticket field.” These are the types of fields you can select and apply conditions to:
For a field to appear in this list, it must have already been added to the ticket form. |
If value is |
Specify the value that the conditional ticket field (as defined in When filling out this field) must be in order for other fields to appear in the ticket form. |
Then show these fields |
Specify fields that will appear when the conditional ticket field (as defined in When filling out this field) is set to the correct value (as defined in If value is). You can specify any fields on the ticket form, except for:
For a field to appear in this list, it must have already been added to the ticket form. |
Required |
For information about making a conditional field required, and how ticket form requirement settings in your admin settings affect each other, see Making conditional ticket fields required. |
You can't apply conditions to the standard fields described in About ticket fields, except for Priority and Type. You also can't apply conditions to these type of custom fields described in Adding custom fields to your tickets and support request form:
- Multi-select
- Numeric
- Decimal
- Date
- Regex
- Lookup relationship
Editing, duplicating, and removing conditional ticket fields on ticket forms
You can edit or remove conditions on ticket forms. You can also duplicate an existing condition, edit the duplicate, and then save the duplicate as a new condition on the same ticket form. However, you can't copy and paste a condition into another ticket form.
To manage your conditional ticket fields
- In Admin Center, click
Objects and rules in the sidebar, then select Tickets > Forms.
- Move the cursor over the ticket form where you want to manage the conditions, then click the options menu (
) on the right side and select Conditions.
- Click any of the following icons to edit, duplicate, or delete the selected condition:
Use the edit icon to change a condition. Make your changes in the dialog box that appears, and then click the Update button.
Use the duplicate icon to duplicate (copy) a condition. Modify the duplicate in the dialog box that appears, and then click the Add button.
The reason you have to modify the duplicate is because the If value is part of the condition statement must be unique (you can’t use the value in another condition on the ticket form).
Use the delete icon to delete a condition.
How conditional ticket fields are saved
Selections from conditional ticket fields are retained while you remain in the ticket, even if you make a field invisible, or change the ticket form. However, when you submit the ticket, only the fields that are visible are saved. If you exit, then re-enter a ticket, any unsaved field selections are not retained.
If you want to save all conditional ticket field selections you make on a ticket, you must submit the ticket while each field you want to save is visible.
You have three drop-down ticket fields, Parent, Child 1, and Child 2.
- From the Parent drop-down list, select Show child 1 and select Susan for the Child 1 field value.
- Without submitting the ticket, select Show child 2 from the Parent drop-down list and select Peter for the Child 2 field value.
- With Show child 2 selected, submit the ticket.
Show child 2 and Peter are saved. However, you can select Show child 1 and see that the value Susan is retained.
- Without submitting the ticket, exit and re-enter the ticket.
Now, under Show child 1, the value Susan is empty. This is because you never submitted the ticket and saved this value while Show child 1 was displayed.
- With Show child 1 displayed, and Susan selected, submit the ticket to save these values.
Now, whenever you exit and re-enter the ticket, the values for both Show child 1 and Show child 2 are retained because you submitted the ticket and saved each of these values while they were visible.
Using conditional ticket fields with Web Widget (Classic)
If a ticket form includes conditional ticket fields, and ticket forms are enabled in Web Widget (Classic) from your admin settings, conditional ticket fields are presented to end users in Web Widget (Classic).
Web Widget (Classic) supports most native conditional ticket fields (but not from the Conditional Fields app). The Priority and Type fields are not supported in Web Widget (Classic). If you apply conditions to these fields, they appear in the agent interface and in ticket forms that appear in the help center, but not in Web Widget (Classic).
To confirm that tickets forms are enabled in Web Widget (Classic)
- In Admin Center, click
Channels in the sidebar, then select Classic > Web Widget.
For more information about using ticket forms in the Web Widget (Classic), see the section about ticket forms in Configuring components in Web Widget (Classic), and Using custom ticket fields and ticket forms with Web Widget (Classic).
I found out that changing a field's dropdown option (value, i. e. tag) is not possible as long as any form uses the field. How are the conditions stored internally, with the option's tag or with the option's internal ID?
Unfortunately we have to change a field that is frequently used in conditions and I see no other way than to delete all these conditions, then change the field, and then setup all conditions from scratch.
Even more unfortunately, the error message (field is used in a form condition) even does not show in WHICH form or condition the field is used. Happy hunting.
Why, just why. Together with the value, also the ID is changed. All triggers formerly using this ID now not only remain without function, they even don't show which option they used before the change. Keeping the ID would be very very smart here....
Is there any workaround for this task?
April Uran
I am trying to add conditional fields to my default ticket type for end users. I do not see all of my fields. They are all marked as editable by end users. Any idea why I don't have them to choose? I have cleared my cache and relaunched my browser. I even tried in a different browse.
Peter Rittau
I would like to create a similar form like this.
Creating the fields and the conditions is no problem, but what I don't know is how the text is then displayed (green), depending on the pre-selected fields (red).
Ricardo Arango
Is it possible to hide fields when another fields does not have a value set?
Field A is a dropdown. By default it does not have a value set. As it is not set, I want to hide other fields that depend on a value being set. I only want to display this field, if that first field has a value set.
Is that possible with this tool? If not, is there another tool that would allow this?
Nhạn Diệp
Hi everyone,
I was trying to add conditional ticket fields to a ticket form by following the instruction below but I was stuck in step #2. I don't see any menu icon to enter the "Conditions" part mentioned in the instruction. Don't know why. Anyone can help please? Is there any app or add-on needed installing to be able to add conditional ticket fields?
Note: I'm using Support Suite - Professional. There's only 1 ticket form existing in our system.
Brett Bowser
Hey Nhan,
Just to confirm, have you already created these conditional fields before navigating to the Ticket Forms page? Are you on Suite Professional or just Support Professional?
Definitely odd if that's not showing up correctly if you're on the correct plan level.
Let me know!
@... this seems not possible, and Zendesk changed (in 2020 or so) the behaviour of this default. Before, the field would have been hidden until a condition is met. Not, the field is shown until a condition hides it.
This is frustrating, it had been addressed to Zendesk, but I don't expect any product change within the next 8 years, unfortunately.
A workaround to this
Use another field that is always there to hide the concerned field, and with the existing conditions it would be shown again. Important: if the condition is for a dropdown field and you add another option to this ticket field, don't forget to include this new option in the conditions, or your field would be hidden for the new option when it's selected.
Let me know if this solves your problem or if you solved it another way already!
Ad Astra Support
I read about Cloudset's application that allows us to display particular drop-down options in a ticket field when a condition is met rather than just the ticket field itself. 2 years ago, @... mention it in his comment and @... at the time replied this functionality was not on the roadmap, and that we would need to use Cloudset to accomplish this.
I wanted to check in and see if Zendesk has built this functionality in the past 2 years or if we are still forced to use a 3rd party app. We were hoping to accomplish this without an additional subscription fee from an app. We are currently on Enterprise.
Does anyone have ideas that are cost-free?
Thank you!
Cheeny Aban
Hi Melody,
We understand your need for this functionality, so I am marking your comment as Product Feedback. Moreover, I suggest that you create feedback on our Feedback on Support page regarding conditional fields. Threads with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning. Specific examples, details about impact, and how you currently handle things are the most helpful things to share to help our product teams understand the full scope of the need when working on solutions.
We truly value customer feedback and your voice and votes in the product feedback topics in the community help influence future Zendesk functionality.
Jason Ortega
Is it possible to make dynamic the "If value is" field for the condition? For example using regular expressions? This would be helpful for cases where a field can take any text value from the user and we might want to recognize certain patterns. If not, it would at least be nice to check if the field had any value at all rather than having to be a specific, exact value.
Jon Daniels
Hi Jason - currently it's not possible to use regular expressions in a text field condition (or just check for the presence of any text), so can you request these modifications to the text field conditions as product feedback here when you have the time?
Feedback - Ticketing System (Support)
Conversations with a high level of engagement here ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning, so thanks for helping us make conditional fields better/more versatile!
Brian Rensing
I'd like to be able to use conditions to drive reporting - but it seems that the conditional fields create additional columns for reporting - which gets really complicated. For example, I'm thinking a category / sub-category arrangement where the dependent values are related, but stored in a common column. For example:
So - a selection of category "hardware" pulls from the common subcategory list, but can only select Laptope, phone, or printer. Similarly, Software pulls from the same list but can only select mobile app or business app. Then from a reporting perspective, I can see one subcategory column. Is functionality like this possible?
I. Smit
Is there a way to copy the field conditions in a form, which are set at the end user, to the agent? I have a form with over 100 conditions at the end user. I want to copy these conditions to the agent. The other way around is possible.
Austin Killey
Hey there I. Smit,
Great question, and actually yes! You and I won't have the same option being presented in the ticket form page like we would when copying agent conditions to end-users, but we can still do it through our API. If you're not familiar with API requests, we recommend this free program called Postman. (I personally use it pretty often as well!)
Using this List Ticket Forms endpoint, that will return information about all ticket forms in your account. Each ticket form will also show all of its conditions, both agent and end-user facing.
You can find the specific ticket form you're working on, copy the entire section of end-user conditions, and then use this Update Ticket Form endpoint to edit that ticket form. Here, you can paste all of those end-user conditions with a format like this:
This should keep your existing end-user conditions untouched while you add your agent conditions; pretty handy.
Let us know if you need anything else!
Hi Brian,
I have the same need. AFAIK, there isn't a way to do it with this feature. I have used Formset (CloudeSet was their previous name) app to achieve it. I wish Zendesk would do it as there is a high cost to use an external app.
The Conditional fields app also causes us to maintain a multiple fields instead of one value fields.
As for reporting, you might want to try to either join attributes in Explore or merge cells. I haven't tried it, but this could be an option to look into:
Vladimir P
Hi Olli
I saw your comment above and was hoping you can clarify re the workaround you have suggested above.
I have a drop down field with 2 options in user contact form. When a user selects an option 1 from the drop down I want fields A, B and C to be shown to them. However, when they select option 2 from the dropdown, I don't want to show them any fields. So basically I need to find a way of hiding A, B and C when option 2 is selected.
Would be able to help and clarify how can I do that using your workaround? That's first time I'm using it so not very advanced with this feature. Thank you !
Mónica Ballesteros
Is there a way to set conditions first on the multi-select field and then on the drop-down field? I'd like my customers to tell me the information they can provide, by using the multi-select field. And according to what they can provide, I'd like to offer specific services using the drop-down field.
So if they can provide A and B files (multi-select), then I show C and D services (drop-down). But if they can not provide A, then I can only offer service D, for example.
Thank you in advance! :)
Brett Bowser Jon Daniels
Similar to Nhan above - I don't even see the options. My entitlements are:
The Support Suite - Professional
Explore - Professional
We have one form - and the field I want, let's call it 'ACME Authorized' is a checkbox. When I create it, it appears under 'Fields' and as a moveable line under 'Forms' -
When I select the three ellipses I get just two options:
The type shows up as 'checkbox' as expected ..
Brett's comment above included "have you already created these conditional fields before navigating to the Ticket Forms page?" and this is a bit confusing because the _fields_ menu option is where the elipses appear, not on forms.
The above instructions start with "In Admin Center, click the Objects and rules icon () in the sidebar, then select Tickets > Forms." but the screenshot is clearly from the Fields menu .. the forms menu does not look the same?
Is this an entitlements issue? Some other configuration issue? Can you please post a video end-to-end on how to to this or clarify the instructions above?
Thank you, -Ali
Is there a way to change the value of conditional field even if the conditional field is invisible?
I think I can use triggers or automation.. Is that correct? :)
Thank you in advance!
DJ Buenavista Jr.
Thank you for reaching out to Zendesk Support.
In regards to your concern, you can use the custom ticket fields that you have created as conditions on both Triggers and Conditions.
You can check our articles below for more information:
About automations and how they work
About triggers and how they work
Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead!
Kind regards,
Jessica Fong
Hi There,
I would like to know if it's possible to add conditions on form level too? For example if I have enabled multiple ticket forms under one help center, end user will be asked to select a ticket form when they try to submit a request (As the picture attached)
Is it possible to add another option in the ticket form drop down list which will direct end user to articles instead of ticket form? E.g. Is it possible to add a new option "I want to claim warranty" but it will direct end user to read article instead of fill in a request form? Thank you
DJ Buenavista Jr.
Unfortunately, you cannot use ticket forms in a condition for triggers or automation. However as a workaround, you can create a custom ticket field and use the text option and from there you can put the details and the link to the article from here. Kindly check the screenshot below for an example.
After creating the custom ticket field, you need to add it to your ticket forms, and here's the sample of how it would look like on a ticket form.
Thank you and please don't hesitate to reach out anytime if you have any other questions or concerns.
Kind regards,
I. Smit
Unfortunately, this option does not support rich text formatting. In addition, the link you show is fairly short. But imagine you want to link to a longer link, such as:
" subrubriek==%22Antwoorden%20kamervragen%20van%20het%20lid%20Nicolai%20van%2026%20maart%202021%20inzake%20inzake%20quarantaine%20politici%22&zv=corona+covid- 19+covid&pg=10&col=&svel=PublicationDate&svol=Acurrent&sf=sr%7cAnswers+Chamber questions+from+the+Member+Nicolai+of+26+March+2021+involving+quarantine+politicians."
I know that there are URL shorteners. Only in some cases this is not allowed from company regulations.
Jessica Fong
At Teleticket I have seen a solution where a yellow text block appears after selecting a particular form. Unfortunately, this is not a native feature in Zendesk. Such a text block could be used to point to a page, in your case "I want to claim warranty".
DJ Buenavista Jr.
Unfortunately at the moment, it does not support rich text formatting, and it's currently a limitation. One option you can do is to use URL shorteners if it's allowed by company regulations.
You can post this as product feedback on our Support community product feedback page.
Thank you!
Kind regards,
I. Smit Hello!
Friendly links are possible with a bit of scripting. This requires jQuery to be installed. To do so, add the following function to your script.js file:
In our case, we wrap all of our jQuery functions in a jQuery function wrapper (this is optional - you just need to make sure it is all located within the document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() function):
Then, when editing your ticket fields to include help text, add links like so:
As an example:
For your question about adding a block/disclaimer/etc, you can also use jQuery to append HTML to your ticket form when a certain ticket form is selected. This functionality also works on ticket fields. This allows you to use whatever HTML you desire, so you could craft a box, have it as text, etc. More information on that in Can I add a disclaimer to a specific ticket form in Help Center?
Some additional information can be found at Add Note and Warning boxes to your Guide articles, where you could add custom CSS and then wrap your text above in a wrapper that generates the box!
Hope this helps!
Dave Dyson
The first step is to create your dropdown fields (in your case, the product dropdown, and then the options fields for each product). Once those are created (making sure that you set them to be visible and editable by end-users), then you should be able to add conditions to your ticket form as explained in this article, to create the relationship between those fields.
If that explanation doesn't help, it might be worth contacting our support team directly, so they can step through the process with you: Contacting Zendesk Customer Support
Jason Littrell
I tried to add a Lookup field as a conditional field on a form (as a shown field, not a field the conditions are applied to), but attempting to save the form conditions gave me an error message:
The About custom field types article doesn't mention that form conditions aren't supported. Is this a known limitation that wasn't listed, or is it an issue that is going to be addressed?
EDIT: Received confirmation here that a fix will go out next week.
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
Thanks for relaying the announcement Jason Littrell!
CJ Johnson
Please give us a way to update these via the API!
Erik Cerbulis
Is there a way to create a ticket form condition based off of an organizational value? For example, we have a field called state in the org record. I want to create a form condition that says if the value is TX on the org record, then show these additional form fields. there a way to create a custom field value called state on the form (probably needs to be named different) that gets set based on the org record value? If so, then creating a condition to show additional fields if the value on the form is TX (as an example).
I looked at lookup relationship but I don't want to have the users have to look it up; I just want it to populate automatically.