Brand is a unique customer-facing identity within an account that allows you to provide tailored support experiences that cater to different products, services, or customer segments. If you support multiple brands, Zendesk allows team members (agents) to manage tickets associated only with their assigned brands.
Initially, new team members are assigned to all brands and, therefore, will have access to all tickets. Administrators can control which tickets agents can access by removing them from the brands they shouldn't have access to. This ensures focused support, enhances data privacy, and promotes specialized product knowledge.
If you don't want to use this feature, you don't have to take any action because team members are assigned to all brands by default. You can ensure team members are assigned to all brands by viewing their brand memberships.
This article covers the following topics:
- Limitations
- Understanding brand membership
- Viewing team member brand memberships
- Adding or removing team members from brands
Related articles:
- Restricting agent ticket access by brand (also called Department Spaces) cannot
be used with the following:
- Zendesk Chat
- Legacy messaging through Chat
- Legacy Talk
- If you're using omnichannel routing, special configuration is required if you want to restrict ticket access by brand.
- When using messaging with omnichannel routing, special configuration is required if you want to restrict ticket access by brand.
Understanding brand membership
You can assign team members to brands, which sets their brand membership. Team members can only view, search, and access tickets within their assigned brands. Assigning a team member to all brands gives them access to tickets across all brands. If they aren't assigned to any brands, then they won't have access to tickets. See Considerations for exceptions.
Initially, new team members are assigned to all brands and, therefore, will have access to all tickets. Admins are automatically assigned to all brands and can access all tickets across all brands. When a new brand is created, all admins are automatically added to it and cannot be removed.
A team member’s role can further refine their access. For example, a team member’s role might limit them to only tickets in their groups.
When creating and updating tickets, the Brand drop-down field in the Agent Workspace is limited to the brands for which the agent is a member. Agents in a custom role with permission can assign tickets to any brand, including brands they don’t belong to.
- Team members can be CC’d or added as followers on tickets outside their brand membership. When this happens, they will only have access to the specific ticket, not all tickets within that brand.
- If an agent in a custom role has permission to manage suspended tickets, they can manage the suspended tickets in their brands only, plus any suspended tickets without a brand.
- Tickets shared via a direct link are inaccessible if the agent isn’t a member of the ticket’s brand.
Viewing team member brand memberships
Brand memberships appear on the Team members page. You can also filter the list of team members by brand.
To view brand membership for team members
In Admin Center, click
People in the sidebar, then select Team > Team members.
The brand associated with each team member appears in the Brand column.
If a team member belongs to multiple brands, click the +more link to view additional brand memberships.
Adding or removing a team member from brands
When you add team members to brands, they can view, search, and access tickets within their assigned brands. Removing a team member from brands removes their access to tickets within that brand.
You cannot remove admins from brands. Admins must be members of all brands.
To add or remove team members from brands
In Admin Center, click
People in the sidebar, then select Team > Team members.
The team member page opens.
Search for the team members you want
to update, then select them in the list.
You can select one or many team members. Admins are members of all brands and will be excluded from any bulk operations.
- Click Manage brand membership.
The Manage brand membership link displays at the bottom of the page after you select team members.
- In Add to brand and Remove from brand, select the brands you'd
like to add or remove the team member.
- Click Save.