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Accessing your views of tickets

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Some of you might have a need for categorized Views if that's the case >>>

I have described the View categorization (subviews, dropdown view) in detail and explained the benefits of it.
Please visit my article (below) and vote for it if you think that it would be beneficial for you too!


Is it possible to limit who has access to the suspended ticket view? 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Melody -

The suspended ticket view is a default part of Zendesk Support and will be shown to administrators and any agent with access to all tickets in your account and currently, there's no setting on support to restrict the view to a certain group of agents/ admin.



Is the suspended ad delete ticket views new default views? I am getting agents reporting that these are new to their listing. They cannot see the tickets in each view, but they see the view now and the count. These agents don't have access to all tickets only tickets in their groups.




@... I created a ticket with Zendesk and they have confirmed they have an open "Problem" ticket with their developer team.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

@Sydney and Amanda, looks like our developers made some adjustments on their end to remedy this issue. Can you confirm if non-admins can see the suspended tickets views?

Let me know!


@... it looks like the issue has been resolved. Thank you!


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Excellent. Thanks for letting me know Sydney!



I am trying to add views or modify a view on my zendesk support but everytime I save, I receive a message error "Could not save your "Unsolved ticket" view" or something according to the name of the view. 

Is it because of my current plan ? I am paying only for 1 agent. 




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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Perle,

Creating views to manage ticket workflow is available on the team plan onwards. I highly suggest that you check your subscription under Admin Center > Billing > Subscription to check your current plan.



Do we have to wait for this to be turned on? I am on Enterprise and I am still only getting 12/8 views?


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Simon Blouner (midlertidig)

Community Moderator

We are also only seeing the 12/8 split, and not the new 30/10 - when will this be activated since it has been announced to be available?


We are still only seeing the 12/8 split as well, when will the 30/10 split be available? Is there option in Admin that needs to be turned on?


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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Glen Schneider, Simon Blouner, and Brettany Rhodes,

The rollout for the increased views started on Sep 29 and is in the process of rolling out in phases through Oct 6. You'll automatically see the increased number of views once this feature is available for your account. Please see our product manager's comment on the announcement for more information. Thank you!


We are still only seeing the 12/8 split as well, when will the 30/10 split be available? Is there option in Admin that needs to be turned on?

Same here - please advise.


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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Quinn McHugh,

The rollout for the views increase is ongoing through Oct 6th. You should see it in your account soon!


It's October the 9th and we still only see 12/8 views.


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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Jysk IT en del af Sagro I/S and everyone, 

I'm sorry for the delay! The rollout was paused temporarily last week but has since resumed. You should see it in your account soon! Please see the updated announcement for the most up-to-date information. 


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