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Creating views to build customized lists of tickets

Edited Mar 19, 2025





we have multiple Views in our Zendesk account. Is there a way to increase the number of shared views available for all the agents? How can we see the tickets of the views that are over the 12th position?

Thank you,



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Elissa Tikalsky

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Hi @...

Unfortunately it is not possible to change or increase the number of visible views on the sidebar past 12. 

What your agents can do though is click the More button at the end of the list and it will take them to a list of ALL views they have access too (public views and their own personal views) where they can open which ever view they want.

I hope that helps!



I have a my views in order but I noticed some tickets are some how not visable in my "views". Is there a possibility or query which can show what ticket numbers are NOT shown in any of the  separate views but are in fact tickets? 

Hope you could help me!


We have a very similar requirement to the comments from Elvis from 4 years ago. The 'Latest Update' sorting is not useful for us, as it means any agent touches (adding internal notes, updating ticket settings, assigning the ticket, setting an Organization for new users - all actions which are essential to our workflow) results in inaccurately bumping the ticket down the queue. This is unusable for us. 

We currently use 'Last Updated By Requester', however this is also extremely limited because a huge volume of our tickets have other users CCd on the request. Any time a CC replies the ticket appears much older than it is, so is inaccurately bumped up the queue because it wasn't the original requester who replied. This means we need to manually monitor and skip over these tickets until they do actually need attention. 

Elvis's suggestion of a 'Last public reply' is a very good suggestion that we could work with, though to us a 'Last non-agent update' option would be the gold standard.


I made a Minerva recipe to help you walk through setting up a new view. Minerva is a guide that shows you where to click, and what to do next so you can set this up on your own account. You can follow the link here for the step by step instructions:


Hi i am trying to create a ticket view which shows all of the ticket for a specific organisation. We know that there are about 3000 tickets, but when i create the view in the admin panel if only shows 400. I have kept the conditions very simple. Any idea why?


Hi Zendesk team,

Please help asap with this problem here. I don't seem to find any ways to have the newly created views moved to be displayed on the list of available views. I can only see the new views by clicking "More" to see the list of all views created, which directs me to the Admin section.

Any way that I can move a newly created view to be displayed in the list shown in "View" section? I tried the "Move to first position" option in Admin page already but nothing's changed


Hi, we'd like to create a view that shows both tickets hitting SLA soon as well as the ones that have already broken SLA. However, it seems that it's not possible to add conditions for checking "hours until" or "hours since" to the "can meet any of these conditions" section - is that correct or am I missing something here? If so, is there any technical reason for this or can this be added as a feature?


Hi Team,

Currently we're using 'play' button function in Zendesk to automatically feed the next ticket in the Queue.

However, we are wondering if we use the Grouping feature to filter group based on value of a custom fields in a tickets (example: Assignee) and then ordering those tickets with another fields like Latest update or something. Can the 'Play' button still be used to handle the ticket in the same queue?

Any information that you could share would be greatly appreciated.




Hi all,

How could I create a view of tickets that are 'Tasks' but have no 'Due date' (i.e. when the task was created no 'Due date' was selected).

Any help will be greatly appreciated.




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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Hi @...,

I don't see a native way to look for tickets where Due Date is not present. So what I'd do in this situation is create a view with all Tasks and put the sort order by Due Date.


I'm trying to see all tickets created within the last 2 weeks. What's the best way to do this?



When adding a condition statement, how come I can only choose "language" among my user fields? I would like to use other user parameters to create my views. Is this something that can be done?


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator


I tend to create views as they're easy to modify or reuse for other purposes. I'd suggest using Status is Less than Solved, and Hours since created is less than 336. See if that works?


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator


Views are looking for Ticket-level stats. If your user level fields are not dropdowns or checkboxes with tags, you can set up a series of triggers to look for user level qualities and add a tag to that users' tickets. Then the tags data will start showing up on all new tickets going forward.

There could be other ways to solve for this, so perhaps someone else will jump in and add to this!




Thanks for the feedback, tags won't do it though since I need the parameter to be a date. Do you know if it is possible to pass values from a user custom field to a ticket field (using for e.g. a trigger)? If I could create a ticket date field and then pass on the date value I have stored on the user's custom field my problem would be solved! :D


This is helpful, thank you!


Mattia Tosti Unfortunately, even if that were possible, the only ticket field types that can be used to create criteria in Views are drop-down and checkbox fields. It is possible to display the values of a Ticket-level date field as a column in in a view (and then the View can be sorted on that), but as Heather mentioned, custom user fields are not accessible in Views.

I think you should be able to create a query in Explore that does what you need, using the Table format, setting the metric to Tickets, adding Ticket ID to rows, and setting whatever criteria you want as Filters. See Creating Queries for more information.



Hey there, can you create a view with multi-select?

It is not multi-line and there are tags for each one, so I feel like it should work, but I do not see the option in the view when I try to add it. 



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Zendesk Customer Care

Thank you for messaging us. 
Unfortunately, Views cannot be created with as multi select. Can you give us a background  of your use-case?


Hi! How do I add an additional column in "Assigned Tickets" view under Agent's profiles?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Lovely,
The Tickets Assigned section are used to have an overview of all the tickets the agent has. Unfortunately, there's no option to add columns on this section. However, you can always utilize Ticket Views to get specific information from an agent's assigned tickets.
Hope this helps!


ref Chris's message


I had the same issue as Chris and fell on this question.

I found the answer here:

Zendesk automatically archives tickets 120 days after they are marked Closed. Archived tickets are excluded from views.

Hope this helps,




Hello, I'm trying to create a view from a specific email address but I cannot find the correct condition for this, which one should I pick



Hi Eune,
If you're wanting to create a View to show tickets created from emails sent to a specific Support Address, you'll need to first create a Trigger to tag those tickets, and then use that tag as a condition in your View. In your trigger, use the Ticket: Received at condition, and then use Ticket: Add tags to add an identifying tag (don't use Set tags, because that will remove any other tags on the ticket). For more information, see Trigger conditions and actions reference
Hope that helps! 


Hi Dave,

I'm actually wanting to create a view to show tickets sent by external customer - can you help how to do that? Appreciate your input.


Hi Eune, thanks for clarifying! An easy way to do that would be to add a user tag to that user, which will be inherited by any new tickets created by that user, and add that tag as a condition in your View. Note that you'll have to add the tag manually for older tickets, and you can't add tags (or make any other changes) to Closed tickets. But you can always see all the tickets from a given user, no matter what their status, by clicking on their name in the button bar at the top of a ticket window. For more information, see Adding tags to users and organizations


I have view options that aren't listed here, such as "Created At" which uses a date. Is this a new feature, and/or available only on some plans? It's created some confusion here:


Hi CJ, 
Custom tickets fields of the Date type are available to be used as View conditions – I'll ask our documentation team to update the description of Ticket custom fields above. Sorry about the confusion!


Hi, I'm trying to create a view with a condition based on the email address of the 'requester', for example, if the email address contains a certain domain, I need the tickets to go to this view. 

I wasn't able to find this option, is there a way to work around it if it's not possible?


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