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Installing and using the Select an Address app

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Kristie Sweeney

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Feb 20, 2025




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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Sovellin,

The issue in Francois' case had to do with being on the right plan type; brands are not available on the free plan. So, if you are on the free plan, you would need to upgrade to basic in order to use brands.


hi all!

thinking about implementing this in our instance (we'd need the basic version). 2 things i'm not clear on:

  1. is it possible to specify the address (just one address) for a group, without giving individual agents the ability to change it? or does it only set the default for a group, but it can still be changed manually?
  2. scenario: user submits a brand new ticket (via email or the webform). we have triggers to send an answerbot response or confirmation email. if the group of the ticket is already determined, will these triggers send from the appropriate group's email address? or is it possible to specify in the trigger which address to use?



Hi Rachel,

The basic plan of the app allows you to setup the default address based on agent's group.  Once the address is set though, an agent can still change it manually.   For item 2 the app wouldn't be able to apply the default through a trigger.  It only works on the ticket sidebar.



My team is reporting that previously the "default" used by the app was the "default" email for the "default" Brand. It now seems to be using the "default" email from the alphabetically first Brand, or maybe the alphabetically first default email on the list. We currently only use the free version. 


Hi Jessica,

Thanks for posting.  We are currently looking into this and I will post back.  Thanks!



Hi, we're also having the same issue reported by Jessica yesterday - our previous default "From" address settings was wiped and now appears alphabetically. It's led to a few of our Agents sending out emails from the wrong address. Has this been fixed/ what do we need to do to get this resolved? 


@... - we are experiencing this issue as of yesterday as well.  You may recall that we ran into this same issue back in August if that helps in your troubleshooting:


Hi Scott and Jamie,

Thanks for posting. The issue is when the require brand before save is on, it will pick the first default.  If that setting is turned off then it will choose the default brand's email address.  This is related to the same thing that Jamie saw in August so we are working on another update now.  Sorry for the issue again.



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Florian - SEIF Partner

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group Leader

Hi there, is there is still an issue on your side, as it always select the default adress even if i change it (i did use the last update app on march 31- 2021)


Hi Florian,

I have used the latest version of the application and was able to correctly change the email with the Select an Address application.
Could you check that under Support > Admin > Email, the SPF is correctly set up for the email you are trying to use?

Could you try to use a Zendesk address, for instance (replacing "subdomain" by your subdomain) and tell me if it works, as these address do not need any setup?

I hope this helps.

Jean-Charles - Zendesk Support



I have 2 email addresses and 2 groups associated with 1 brand, I have switched on the "apply email to group mapping on all open tickets" and then set up my default email addresses for my groups correctly, however my ticket seems to be sticking with the 1 group and not switching automatically when a the ticket is moved to the other group and this group replies. So will we have to manually update the "select an address" when more than 1 group is associated with a brand?



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi @...,

Thank you for your post, hope you are doing well!

To answer your question, you may have to, indeed, update manually the address you want the replies to be sent with the "Select and address" app.

Bear in mind that, email replies are sent from the support address they are received and for tickets not created by email, replies are sent from the default address set in Admin > Channels > Email.

Basically, what matters on how the reply address is used, is the "Ticket Recipient" > The original recipient e-mail address of the ticket.

Source : Which support address are email replies sent from?

Hope this helps.

Have a great rest of your day!

Best regards,


I want to be sure I fully understand how this app functions before we install it.

1. If a ticket is already assigned to a group, this uses the default group of the Agent interacting with the ticket, NOT the group the ticket is currently assigned to.

2. With Default address for groups and Apply to all open tickets both enabled, any agent who views a ticket will change the sending address to their default sending address, even if all they do is view it. Meaning that it can change multiple times.


If my understanding is correct, then what happens when multiple agents with different default groups are viewing a ticket? Which agent's default sending address is used for the next outgoing message?

Also, in the event that the sending address is changed multiple times across several outgoing messages, what happens on the receiving user end? Will the replies thread correctly within the end user's inbox? when the sending email changes?
What happens if the customer replies to such an email? Will it still thread correctly into the preexisting zendesk ticket without any changes? By changes I mean things like previous sending addresses be added as CCs or something equally silly and problematic.


Will this have any affect on tickets coming from the help center? We want to be able to set the address automatically when someone submits via a certain form. We haver email confirmations to confirm submission is received but it all just sends out via the default address which is becoming problematic. Was hoping this app could help resolve that but seems like the address is only applied once an agent enters a ticket?


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Ahn Letran

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello, Patrick,

  1. Yes, the behavior is expected to follow the default group of the agent handling the ticket.

  2. Agents has to view and save the ticket to open for the default address for groups and apply to all open tickets as described above: If you select the Apply to all open tickets checkbox, the mappings from the Default address for groups setting will apply when an agent views and saves any ticket with an Open status.

This will not change the default address if the agents are viewing the tickets alone, saving would do that. Also, the ticket threading is expected to be at one ticket only, meaning changes to addresses would not affect this, nor create a new ticket for end-users.

Hope this helps.

Ahn L. | Customer Support Advocate


To enable default email addresses or allowed email addresses, do I have to configure settings for every Group in my instance? I tried setting it up for just the one group I need to restrict and am seeing an error: 

Your JSON config for "Default email address for groups" or "Email addresses by group" is not formatted properly. Please update.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Sam,

If it's still helpful - make sure you add groups and addresses in the following format (it is also mentioned above apps field, where you need to enter those values):

"Group_1": "",
"Group_2": "",
"Group_3": ""

If you do, then there shouldn't be any errors thrown. If you are still seeing an error after syntax is checked - reach out to support.


Sam - You have to define a default and all the email addresses associated for each group otherwise that group won't see those addresses within Select an Address and will land using your default address.  To ease this process we utilize a spreadsheet for the Default and All addresses.   This helps format the structure easily and allows anyone to copy/paste the lower rows at the bottom with any new groups or addresses to be added.  Since this is JSON, when you are done with edits to the spreadsheet, paste the content into a text editor and remove all tab and paragraph marks.  As an extra check, take the raw text and place into a JSON Formatted to make certain the JSON is properly formatted.  When it is successful, place the Default and ALL into the correct locations within Select an Address. 

Also one last word of caution, since Select an Address caches the content, wait 20 minutes or more from the time of adding the address into Zendesk before you place the updates within Select an Address.  Otherwise you will get an error message stating the address cannot be found.  Likewise in reverse if you remove an address, remove the address from Select an Address, wait 20 minutes or more, then remove the address from Zendesk.

Sample ALL

{" My Group 1 ": "
", " My Group 2 ": "
", " My Group 3 ": "


{" My Group 1 ": " "
, " My Group 2 ": " "
, " My Group 3 ": " "





We also need a solution for this. Can this app be used to set support address that ticket confirmation's come from if the ticket is created via help center form? If not, is there any way to do this?


I agree with Amber Barnes and Tyler Rutledge. It's problematic to tie this to the group the agent is a part of as opposed to the group the ticket is assigned to. I need to be able to set the from address based on the group the ticket is in. Our agents are actually in multiple groups so the current functionality doesn't work well.

Furthermore, we need some way to update the from address with a trigger. Let me know if this is somewhere on the roadmap.


I need to upgrade the plan as I am on free plan. How can I do it? I dont find a button to do it


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Mary,

the Select an Address app is now available for free, which means all the features of the Basic plan before are now available to Free plan users, which is why there is no longer an option to upgrade.

For more general information about managing your apps, see Managing your installed apps

If you are referring to changing/upgrading your account subscription, see Changing plan subscriptions




Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to set the email based on the organization. We currently have a customer with a ticketing system that does not allow emails from our abuse@ email address. 

I'd like to see if I can set the alternative support address when an agent creates the ticket based on the organization. This would hopefully save them the time to manually select which address to use from the app.


Adam, I am not aware of how this app can handle your request, but we use a webhook at times to change the "recipient" (i.e., the From: email) with this JSON code:

You could have a trigger:

  • Ticket is created
  • Org = ...
  • Channel is web form (manual ticket)
  • Assignee = current user


  • Notify webhook:
       "ticket": {
         "recipient": ""


Jeremy Watkin we are facing the exact same issue as you metnioned above in 


Finally were able to schedule a meeting with a Technical Support Engineer at Zendesk, or I should say waiting for that meeting to be scheduled. Came across this post now. Wondering, have you been able to finalize the setting, to where the sender's email address matches the group in the ticket and not just the default address of that agent's main group? 

If so, did you need to work with HTTP targets and triggers or how (if so) did you get this solved? 

Kind regards from Munich, 



Hi All, I'm hoping this app can apply to my use case, maybe I'm not seeing it in current config.

Use case: We use a Triage group, most tickets created via all channels come into this group. The problem lies with tickets that come in via email. Our grouping logic is one brand, to several groups...we have six brands with about 6 associated groups per brand. Some agents are members of more than one group across different brands so it gets tricky. We rarely create tickets manually as agents, it does happen however.

What I'd like is for the Select an Address app to update the ticket with the correct default email address (either set at the brand level, or manually in the app's 'group mapping' config) once the triage agent selects the correct group, brand and submits the ticket in either Open, Pending or On-hold statuses. What I'm seeing is that when the brand is changed for an existing ticket, the email address isn't changing automatically. Same for the group, if the triage agent changes the group of an existing ticket to one with a group mapping, nothing happens.

Am I missing something? Shouldn't this app be changing the address on the fly if you change the brand or group for an existing ticket?

Thanks all


Jeremy Pinar The app associates one to many emails to a group with a default address if one is not selected or if the group changes.  The problem/challenge is as you described, if the agent is associated with one or more groups then any of those addresses associated with any of the groups the agent is associated with is acceptable.  

This is an inherent flaw (some would say benefit) that there is not a firm email to group or email to brand association regardless of the agent's affiliation to the group.  Due to other challenges we face, we have had to keep track of that email-group association in our own database to support our customers.  This is something Zendesk needs to address to make and enforce a cross-reference tie between email and group. 

Note, we have taken steps to remedy some of this by creating triggers that will submit a web hook call to change the email address.  Unfortunately though this won't help in your situation since the web hook will fire AFTER the agent submits changes and thus an automatic email reply with a potentially incorrect address.


We have a issue when tickets are moved between groups example:

Group A only has access to email address 1

Group B only has access to email address 2 

Email it sent to group A but its meant for group B, when its moved into group B, the select address is blank.

Even though we have 1 default address set for each group in the app.

Is this a bug or how can we force the default address for the group on the ticket when its moved?


Need to add +1 on having the select an address app reply from the group that the ticket is in, not the agent. If a ticket comes to our support team, but turns out to be a sales issue and gets transferred to a sales group, then I want to reply from sales@, instead of support@ - even if that agent is in both groups.

It's also really unclear in the app itself. it should be at least well explained. Looking at the setup really implies that I'm configuring for the group the ticket is in, not the agent.



Hello everyone,

I need to be able to set the from address based on the group the ticket currently is in. My agents are in multiple groups so the App does not work. Any chance I can get this done with the settings?


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