As described in Understanding the default email setup in Zendesk, you have one email address when you set up Zendesk Support: Emails received at this address become tickets.
For each support address you add, the from address will match the support address the ticket is sent to. For example, tickets sent to will reply from
Adding support addresses
- Connect external address Use this option to add an existing external email addresses.
Create new Zendesk address Use this option to add variations of your Zendesk
email address.Note: There is also a Connect Other option for adding support addresses that should be used cautiously. For more information, see this support tech note.
Your original system support address always appears at the top of your list of support addresses, followed by your default support address, if it's not the same as your system support address. Every time a ticket is created from an email that was sent to one of your support addresses, the verification timestamp for the support address is updated.
This section covers the following topics:
Adding a Zendesk support address
Zendesk addresses are variations of your original support address, For example, You can add additional support addresses as needed.
The following video gives you an overview of how to create custom email addresses:
Creating custom email addresses [0:50]
- In Admin Center, click
Channels in the sidebar, then select Talk and email > Email.
- In the Support addresses section, click Add address, then select Create
new Zendesk address.
- Enter an address you'd like to use for receiving support requests.
- Click Create now.
The email address is added to your list of support addresses.
Adding an external support address
External email addresses are owned and maintained by you, outside of Zendesk (for example, You can receive support requests at an external email address and forward the incoming email to Zendesk. In turn, Zendesk can send email replies to your customers via your external email address.
If you add an external email address, additional steps are required to set up forwarding from your email server to Zendesk. For more information, see Forwarding incoming email from your existing email address to Zendesk Support.
Receiving email at your support addresses
Emails sent to any of your known support addresses become tickets in your Zendesk. And, if you have enabled wildcard emails (see Accepting wildcard email addresses for support requests), then emails sent to any variation of your Zendesk address, regardless of whether it's a known support address, become tickets in your Zendesk.
For tickets received via email, you can see which address it was sent to at the top of the ticket.
You can set up business rules, views, and SLA policies for tickets sent to your support address by using the "Ticket: received at" condition.
If you have set up multibrand, then the ticket receives the brand associated with the support address the email was sent to (see Adding email support addresses for multiple brands).
Hi, Is it possible to reduce the 65000 character limit for the "Receiving email at your support address" ?
Brett Bowser
There's no way to adjust this character limit since this is hard-coded into the software.
Let me know if you have any other questions!
Brett Bowser
It may be worth taking a look at our App Marketplace to see if there's a 3rd party integration that can help accomplish what you're looking for.
Kenny Rohan
HI, we are switching away from allowing support emails to open a new ticket. We want to only allow ticket requests to be done through the web portal. I've set up the trigger accordingly to only allow from the web form. But I still find if an email is sent to those other support emails it still creates a ticket with no one or a group assigned. I assume that is because those other email addresses are still listed in our email channels, correct?
Once I make the default email our
Do I have to delete the other support email addresses to avoid them from still creating tickets?
Then what if someone emails directly to the, will it still create a new ticket? If so how can we avoid that?
Also is there a way to leave one of the additional support email addresses but only allow it to create tickets that come from certain email addresses?
Sorry to put all this in here but thought it might be faster than waiting for support.
Support tickets are automatically created if there's an incoming email received from any of your support addresses. You can remove your external support address to stop ticket creation from that address.
Natively, there's no option to disable or stop ticket creation for default support addresses <>.
As a workaround, you can set your instance to 'close' by disabling "anyone can submit tickets" therefore only registered users can submit tickets, ticket submitted by unregistered users will go to the Suspended ticket view. OR you can create a trigger to automatically close tickets received via the support address. We have a recipe here that you can use: How can I block the email channel?
Hope this helps!
Nicholas Leonard
I'm trying to set up email forwarding on an address that was used previously for a support role. When trying to add this address I'm getting an error message saying "The address is already used by <<email address>>".
How will I be able to correct this so I can create rules based on the emails that have been forwarded from this address?
Hi Nicholas,
Kindly see the resolution steps for the error message that you're getting in the article What does the error "This email address is already used by..." mean?
Hope this helps! Cheers!
@... you mention "You can remove your external support address to stop ticket creation from that address." but that link doesn't go anywhere. I feel like I'm missing something but how is an email address removed? (Connected to Google in this case)
Kristie Sweeney
Hi Joey! We reorganized some of our email content. That information now lives here: Removing a support address.
We've been having issues with our responses to customers getting stuck in the customer's spam folder.
Will changing our support address help with this?
Gabriel Manlapig
When it comes to this type of issue, the most likely cause is that the receiving domain does not recognize your emails as legitimate. To resolve this, we recommend using a combination of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, as mentioned in this article.
I hope that helps. Thank you!
Hello, some people in our company receive emails from customer to their personal address (e.g. Could they connect it to Zendesk or is it not recommended ? Because in that case all the agents would have access to all their synchronized emails righ ? .. Or is there a workaround to hide emails received at mike@ to all other agents ? Thanks
Masamichi Anada
When the last character of the Name (optional) is ".", "reply-to" address is not formatted correctly; "." is removed. Any way to format it correctly?
"K.K." corresponds to English "Corporation".
Gabriel Manlapig
Yes, it is not recommended since adding your agents personal email as your Zendesk support address that means all correspondence circulating in your agents inbox will appear in Zendesk as well.
However, you can prevent agents in one group from seeing another group's tickets. For more information, please see this article.
I hope that helps!
Matt Heroux
Is there a limit to the number of external email support addresses that can be configured on an instance?
Gabriel Manlapig
Basically, there is no limit about the number of support email addresses you can add in your account. As mentioned in this article - "You can add as many support addresses as you need".
I hope that helps. Thank you!
Gabriella Devonside
How do I make sure email that go to my 'support address' go into their own folder in zendesk
Gabriel Manlapig
With ticket views, you could use a condition like "Ticket: Received At > Is >" to distinguish where an email request was initially received. With that setup, you could set up multiple views to focus on each support address of yours. For reference, please see this article.
I hope this helps. Thank you!
Seneca Spurling
I have set up an additional support address, and it works correctly in the sense that if an end user emails that additional support address, the ticket is set with "Received at" set to this additional address which lets me use triggers to ensure that all responses from Zendesk have the different formatting and handling that I need for this additional support address. This also results in the "From" address on those responses being what's associated with the additional address, which is very important.
However I seem to have encountered a problem with my plan to use this additional support address. It does not appear to be possible for us to create a ticket on behalf of a user, and configure it in some way so that the "From" address on these tickets will be this new additional support address. If I create the ticket, it seems that no matter what I do, even if everything else about the ticket appears to be configured correctly, the messages from Zendesk associated with that ticket use the default "From" address of our support address. Am I just missing something that I need to do? I haven't found a way to have a trigger set the "Received at", nor does it seem to be possible with the API. Is there a way to achieve this, or am I going to have to abandon the effort to use an additional address?
Arianne Batiles
Hi Seneca Spurling,
If you want to choose a support address when creating a ticket on behalf of a customer, you may consider using the Select an Address app. This app lets you select a support email address when creating a new ticket or change the support email address associated with a ticket. For more information on how to use this app, you can check this out.
Seneca Spurling
Arianne, thank you so much! The Select an Address app seems to solve this for me! Phew!
Hi Zendesk Team,l
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the proper procedure for notifying your team that we will not be continuing our subscription after its current expiry date. Could you please guide me on the best way to formally communicate this decision to ensure it is properly processed and acknowledged by Zendesk?
Thank you for your assistance.
thank you for reaching out to us. If at any point in time you decide to stop your subscription, you can do that. Here is an article about it! Or, if you want to have more information about your account, you can always reach out to our support via widget.
Jiri Fait
Hi, is there a way how to unlink/disconnect external email address when we want to connect it to other brand? For external addresses there is no Delete option and if I go to the Edit options and want to change the brand nothing happens after clicking on Save.
Hiedi Kysther
Hi Jiri Fait
I created a ticket on your behalf so we can investigate this issue together. Please check your email for more information. Thanks!
Estefania Millan
Hi Zendesk team!
I'm finding that people can write to any random email followed by and we'll still get a ticket created, even if said random email is not listed as a support address. Is there any way from stopping this behavior?
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
Hi Estefania Millan
I went ahead & created a ticket on your behalf to look into that. As a heads up that's not supposed to happen
Max McCal
There is a settting called “Accept wildcard emails” in the Channels > Email menu. You need to disable that setting and only your explicit support addresses will accept tickets.
Estefania Millan
Hi Max McCal ! That worked. Is there any way to send an automatic reply to people who send to wildcard emails so they know they mistyped and we won't be responding?