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Yvonne P.

Joined Nov 15, 2021


Last activity Mar 13, 2025





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Yvonne P. commented,

Community comment Feedback - Zendesk AI and automation

Brandon Tidd Thank you for your attention to this. I am not sure what you mean with “the automated_resolution tag should also strip” > honestly that tag beeing added to tickets, even when the requester did not mark the request as solved is our biggest issue with this feature at this point. 


Zendesk confirms, that the tag will be added also if within 72 hours of the ticket being created/the article suggestions being received/viewed by the recipient and no further public comment is then made for 72 hours (from agent or requester) that tag “ai_agent_automated_resolution” is added to the ticket. 

Let me give you a real life example: Requester submits a ticket on Thursday 06:30am > our team is in some sort of Peak Season and response times are longer than usual. The Requester received the autoreply with article suggestions right away, and views the suggested articles, but does not feel his/her request is solved, so no further action is taken. The ticket is assigned to an agent on Monday morning and he/she responds around 10am - this is more than 72 hours since the requester viewed the suggested articles. The tag “ai_agent_automated_resolution” is added, soley based on the fact that there was no further public comment within those 72 hours. However a human agent indeed has to handle the request, so this, in my opinion, should not be tagged or counted as an automated-resolution - hope this makes sense.


We would love to continue using the feature and implement it for all our brands - but in our first test with approx. 100 real life tickets, we noticed about 30% were indeed not auto-resolved. I can not imagine this not to be an issue for any other Zendesk client, as during Peak Seasons response time may very well be longer than 72 hours. Is there any chance Zendesk would consider optimizing this - and/or how can I submit this to the Zendesk Advocacy Team to look into this? 

In my opinion: only when a requester, who received article suggestions in autoreplies clicked “Yes, solve my request” it should be tagged and counted as an automated resolution. How does everyone else here feel about this, am I misunderstanding or missing something?

View comment · Posted Feb 04, 2025 · Yvonne P.







Yvonne P. commented,

Community comment Feedback - Zendesk AI and automation

Rich Talbot absolutely agree ont this! We tested first in September 2024 - quit the topic as it was not working as it should. Just did another round of testing, while the status seems to not go to solved anymore when it shouldn't - the tag “ai_agent_automated_resolution” is still added when it shouldn't - added my feedback in another article . Hoping to see proper fixes here soon, as the feature itself would be really exciting if it would work 100% 

View comment · Posted Jan 27, 2025 · Yvonne P.







Yvonne P. commented,

CommentUsing AI agents for email and web form

Can anyone here confirm, when exactly the tag “ai_agent_automated_resolution” is added to tickets? As far as I understood it should be like this:


1. Requester submitts tckts, receives article suggestions > tag “ar_suggest_true” is added

2. If requester marks articles as helpful/unhelpful tags are added accordingly as well

3. ONLY if the requesters selects “Yes close my request” the tag “ai_agent_automated_resolution” should be added ?

We tested this last year already and noticed buggy behaviour, where tag “ai_agent_automated_resolution” was added, when it really should not be. Now we assumed there have been fixes etc. in that regard, so we gave it another careful test period - already have a ticket again, where the requester only viewed articles, tckt stayed open and had to be handled by a human agent - but in between the system added the tag " “ai_agent_automated_resolution” - can anyone explain to me why that happens?


Assuming towards the Automated resolutions usage - that we will eventually be charged for, all tickets marked with the tag “ai_agent_automated_resolution” will be counted? 

View comment · Posted Jan 27, 2025 · Yvonne P.







Yvonne P. commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Barry Neary Thank You for your response. I am getting the slight feeling I have to apologize here, as I am starting to feel that indeed there has been loads o misunderstandings on this topic for me. Just found this article, and now it is all starting to make a little more sense.


In all honesty sometimes with the huge amount of info in this help center, it's tricky to find the most valid and up to date info. Could you please let me know, if there is any article on best practices for OCR outside of the one above, or perhaps video tutorials training on this, with all up to date info?

View comment · Posted Jan 15, 2025 · Yvonne P.







Yvonne P. commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Gary Halberstadt Thank You for the honest input - can you by chance recommend any add-on products that better suit what customer service teams actually need in this matter?


Barry Neary you say “it will select the agent who has not received a ticket in the longest time” this makes no sense, at least in our use case, and as it appears from the comments in this thread to many others as well. It would be so logical to make it possible for configuration like this: 

Agent has less than 3 open tickets - assign next 5 tickets 


Barry Neary can you confirm wether or not we can expect further development here in Q1 or Q2?

View comment · Posted Jan 13, 2025 · Yvonne P.







Yvonne P. commented,

Community comment Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Any news on this? We'd love to start using round-robin assignement (based on # of open ticket/agent limits) but this feed has me question wether what is currently possible in Zendesk is working for anyone? Don't want to waste my time if truth is: round robin is not an option yet :) Appreciate any feedback here.

View comment · Posted Jan 09, 2025 · Yvonne P.







Yvonne P. created a post,

Post Discussion - Tips and best practices from the community

Dear Community, I am pretty certain what we have in mind here should be possible - unfortunately I have spent hours searching for an article on this, with no results so far. Reached out to Zendesk Support and they suggested I should try asking the community here :) Hoping someone here can maybe provide info on this, or knows an article from Zendesk that could help us?

Idea: We want to set up a trigger, that sends instructions to a requester when they selected a certain category in our webform (change of delivery adress for example). I know how to do that of course.

In that auto-response that the requester receives, we would like to present a button for the requester to inform us IF the request can be marked solved, now that they received all necessary instructions via the auto-response. ONLY if the requester clicks on the button "YES my issue is resolved" we want the ticket to go into solved status.

how can i set that up? 

Side Info: none of our customers log in anywhere to submit a request and we have to keep it that way. 

Appreciate any and all input here. 

Kind regards,

Posted Nov 11, 2024 · Yvonne P.







Yvonne P. commented,

Community comment Feedback - Zendesk AI and automation

Hi Zendesk,


we recently started using the AI article suggestions in our email receipt confirmation - in theory this was super easy to implement which was great - now analyzing results, it does not work exactly as we hoped (and unfortunately leads to unreal success stories in reporting etc.) 

We figured, a request would only be considered ai-auto-resolved IF the requester actually clicked on “Yes that was helpful/Close my request” > now we find several tickets, where the recipient did get the 3 article suggestions, viewed them (in some cases even marked them as unhelpful), never clicked on “yes this was helpful/close my request” and still the tag “ai_agent_automated_resolution” was added? This makes no sense to us, and also makes creating follow up triggers here quiet impossible/much trickier. As you can imagine, if a requester says an article solved their request, the ticket goes to solved status and noone on the team will ever see it, we do want to send a confirmation email for that as well. Letting the requester know that if that happened by accident or if they have further questions, to email us again. We built that trigger based on the tag “ai_agent_automated_resolution”


Now why is that tag being added to tickets where clearly it was not auto-resolved? How can we identify only tickets, where the requester clicked on “yes close my request” ?

**** Below only two of many many many examples where tickets should have never in any way be counted as automated_resolution - if this behaviour is not corrected we will have to turn this new exciting feature off again - Update 24 hours later: had to set this workflow to inactive again, as there really seems to be no way to cleary identify tickets that were indeed and truly auto-resolved by an article suggestion. Look forward to any updates here. 

View comment · Edited Sep 17, 2024 · Yvonne P.







Yvonne P. commented,

Community comment Feedback - Zendesk AI and automation

Agreeing with everyone above - commenting in hopes this will get more attention soon!

View comment · Posted Sep 04, 2024 · Yvonne P.







Yvonne P. created a post,

Post Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

Dear Zendesk-Team,


while optimizing all our help center content, I noticed: when I search for a subject line (like an exact subject line to an article that is published) and I hit enter the first time, the article does not appear on the first search result page. If I then just click into the search bar again, not changing anything there, leaving that exact subject line in it, and just hit enter again > the article shows on top of my search result page. 


I find this really odd, and especially with considering all the extra work we put into the help center content, also for our bot to better assist our customers, this seems like it shouldnt be like this to me. If I would be a regular user, I would never think to hit enter twice. If I would be a visitor putting in the search bar, and on the search result page do not see what I am looking for, I am going to either go elsewhere or contact customer service. Would never think to just repeat the search. 


Hope this makes sense. If you want to chat about this on a quick call let me know anytime. Would be really nice if the search would work on the first enter, like it does on the second right now :)


Kind regards,



Posted Jul 18, 2024 · Yvonne P.





