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Creating ticket triggers for automatic ticket updates and notifications

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Good morning!

I am attempting to use triggers to to add verbiage to tickets regarding processes or regulations around certain request types.  I feel as though there was once a comment/description option for triggers but I can no longer find this option. Is there the ability to have a trigger that will allow me to input internal note verbiage on a ticket based on the request type?



I want to know if a trigger can be set up to notify a group that a customer has emailed us 3 times or more on the same ticket


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Michael Froeming

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Austin,

There were never a trigger action to insert a comment/description to a ticket. Such action is only present in macros.

Here's Trigger conditions and actions reference as reference.




How would I create a trigger that would automatically inform a client when a specific tag was updated or changed. This does not mean I want to inform them of every update this would just be to show them that their ticket priority would have changed.


Thank you for the help.



You may set the trigger like this:

Ticket Is Updated

Tags Contains at least one of the following [your_tag] (looking for the tag in the ticket that is used to inform the requester)

Tags Contains none of the following [action_already_performed] (indicating that we have already performed this action)


Email Requester

Set tag [action_already_performed]

This way when a ticket is updated and applied you will email the requester.

Hope that helps.


Thank you for your help.

but i still have an issue with your trigger. When you Update a ticket with anything that isn't a priority change it will email the requester telling them their ticket priority has been updated when it hasn't. Would there be anyway to possibly avoid that?


You can try removing the tag that would set it off, or another variant.

Like this:


Does not work on text fields.


Hi Jiri –

Yes, you're correct that triggers have some limitations when working with custom text fields. Can you post to our Feedback on Support topic and explain your use case there? Thanks!



I have set up a trigger to automatically send an email to the customer when a macro is fired and I would like for a new ticket to be created when the customer first replies to the automatic email but I am not sure how to do that - help please?


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Jah Tan

I'm not sure what your business case is, but you'd be using a ticket to run the macro, send an auto email, and then you want all replies to that email to open a new ticket? I would love to understand this more.

On the surface, you might want to test out setting the ticket to solved when you run the macro and have an automation set those particular tickets (using a tag? or a category field or something) to Closed asap (Automations run every 1 hour).

Then if someone replies to the email, the ticket is in Closed status, so this will automatically open a new ticket, though it will be a Followup ticket via Closed Ticket channel.

This can get tricky and I'm not sure if this will work if you're looking to have this happen with multiple end users per original ticket so extensive testing might be needed but give it a shot!


Thank you for Heather! Follow-up question - I tried following the Text formatting recipe for the auto-email trigger and for some reason I can't seem to make the "bold" nor the "Headings" formatting to work. Help, please?


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Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jah! 

Text formatting only works for emails from the agent interface or macros so they won't work for business rules such as automations or triggers.

Markdown is a simple markup language you can use to easily add formatting, links, and images to plain text. If Markdown is available in your account, you can use it in the following places:
  • Ticket comments (from the agent interface)
  • Macros
  • Agent signatures
  • Dynamic content


Hello Dianne! 

Thank you for your reply! Gotcha! makes sense. Found a workaround though - looks like HTML is being read well by triggers and is accepted to format the email. 


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Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana

Zendesk Customer Care

Glad to hear you've found a workaround! 


How to add a trigger that condition is when ticket was deleted?
I need this condition, but didn't find on trigger's condition!


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Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Tony! We don't have a trigger condition yet based on a deleted ticket. This is because the trigger runs based on the ticket activity. If the ticket gets deleted, the trigger wouldn't be able to run. I did however check the Community for any feature requests regarding deleted tickets. I would suggest following this community post for any updates: Feature request: Status DELETE in triggers


Thank you Dainne, I followed that post.


It's really confusing to call this article "Creating triggers for automatic ticket updates and notifications", but then not actually talk about "trigger notifications" or eve mention the whole notify system in triggers. It's extremely difficult to find the right articles when the words used as product names are also used casually for their original intent as well. 


Hi there,

I'm trying to add a trigger:

If "field" CONTAINS "text", but the only option I can do is If "field" is|is not "present".

Any idea why I can't check the content of a text field to determine whether or not to execute a trigger that adds a tag?


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Zendesk Engineering

Matthew Foglia,

Checkbox, drop-down, and date custom fields are available as conditions. For all other custom field types, you can only check to see whether a value is present or not. Please refer to Trigger conditions and actions reference.


It is possible to update a ticket field with information returned in the webhook response after execute the Notify active Webhook action? How to refer this content?


Can the trigers check the mandatory fields when a ticket is created or updated, not just sloved?


Hi Bill, welcome to the community! 
If you're asking whether ticket fields can be made mandatory on update (not sure on Solved), then that can be done vie the free Ticket Field Manager app: see Installing and using the Ticket Field Manager app


Hi Dave, Thank you. 

I have installed Ticket Field Manager app, it is great tool. Also is it possible to highlight the missed (not filled in after submitting the ticket) mandatory fields' in red color?



As shown in this article (, it was one possible to "notify user" without sending a separate email when we want to automate answers with triggers. 

Is this still available, and how? We are trying out the "send email" to the requester, but this is not a good solution as it creates more tickets for nothing. We want to answer a ticket directly with a trigger or an automation, and make it appear as a public reply inside the thread of the original request, not as a separate email. We tried "Bot answer" as well, and got the same result. 

This feels like it is one of the most basic things we should be able to do, but for some reason, we can't find how. 

Thanks in advance for your help. 


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Emeline,
Even though triggers and automations sends a different email, any replies to those email should thread on the same ticket. Hence, it won't cause any new tickets to be created.


Hi I had a question on triggers. In my trigger, I have a condition so that when a ticket is updated and the brand is set to a specific value, then the action is to set a form to a specific value as well. However, I'm noticing that the trigger is only working after I have updated the status of the ticket. My question is, is just updating the Brand on the details of the ticket not considered "Updating" the ticket?

Sorry if that doesn't make any sense. Happy to clarify more


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Amos,

Triggers should fire whenever a ticket is updated. If you updated the ticket brand and then submitted the changes, then your trigger should fire. You don't have to change the ticket status – you just have to save the changes by clicking on the Submit button (regardless of status) – and as long as all the conditions are met, the trigger will fire on that ticket. Is the behavior different when you test your trigger? You can provide more details here and we can take a further look, or you can try getting in touch with us via these options



I created the triggers to receive an email when a ticket is created or updated. but still our team does not receive any email before assign the tickets to someone. This is a huge problem for us, we need to get a notification at the moment a ticket submitted. Could you please help us? Trigger page is atttached.Thank you


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