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Understanding how omnichannel routing uses queues to route work to agents

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Jacquelyn Brewer

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Nov 06, 2024




Barry Neary It seems as if tickets that are reassigned, thus re-entering a custom routing queue, are being routed before the oldest tickets in that same custom queue. Is this expected, or should I open a support ticket for help? 


Barry Neary  Hi Barry, my team would like to have the backend change made to our sandbox to allow us to test reassigned tickets flowing back through a custom queue. 

Please let me know what information you will need!


No, Barry Neary, I simple have the conditions for Brand and Status Less than Solved 


Barry Neary Along with Danielle and Dayner Carry, I want to know if reassigned tickets are routed before older tickets in the queue? If so, my team would like to have this backend change made. 

Also, I've searched every article and comment but haven't found an answer to this scenario: Queue A holds only High priority tickets but has "Queue Priority" of 2, and Queue B holds only normal priority tickets but has a "Queue Priority" of 1. What tickets will get routed first? 


Hi Barry Neary

When the feature to support ordering within the queue by SLA would go live?

I have a question about the custom queue:

If ticket1 with urgent priority is added to the custom queue after ticket2 (normal priority) will the custom queue prioritise the assignation of ticket1 over ticket2 because ticket1 has an urgent priority? 



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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Danielle 


If we have the backend re-routing un-assigned tickets back to the omnichannel routing queue logic enabled, how does that impact when/how that ticket is routed the second time? Does it up the priority or something similar?
When the ticket is reassigned, it will go into whatever queue the ticket matches - e.g. if you have a escalation queue which has conditions that the ticket must be Open (i.e. not New) and have the esclataion tag, then you can set this queue's priority to be higher that the queue for new tickets

Secondly, which has the higher priority: the initial queue eligibility or the subsequent queue eligibility? 

It depends on wheher you have created different queues for these differenty types of tickets


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Note: tickets that go through queues have priority over ones that dont. So for example, if a ticket is reassigned to a group and doesnt go back through queues , and if that group is also receiving new tickets from a queue, its those new tickets that will take priority, even if they are newer than the reassigned tickets.

We have the ability to ensure all your reassigned tickets go back through queues - you can create a ticket with our customer support to do that. By end of Sept, this option will appear on the admin centre UI


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi test.zendesk 


Ordering by SLA is looking like Nov 2024


If ticket1 with urgent priority is added to the custom queue after ticket2 (normal priority) will the custom queue prioritise the assignation of ticket1 over ticket2 because ticket1 has an urgent priority? 



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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Leo Ostigaard 


I have DM you about your first request


Queue A holds only High priority tickets but has "Queue Priority" of 2, and Queue B holds only normal priority tickets but has a "Queue Priority" of 1. What tickets will get routed first? 

Queue priority only becomes important if you have two or more queues allocated to the same agent or group of agents. If Queue A and B are both assigned to Group A, then Group A will receive tickets from Queue B first in your example because it has the higher queue priority

If Queue A is assigned to Group A and Queue B to Group B, then queue priority doesnt matter (as long as there are no agents that are in both groups) - agents in group A will get tickets in order of ticket priority and date created and  in parallel group B will get tickets from Queue B



Hi, we have talk set to Maximum queue wait time  of 5 min and have custom queues setup for the talk channel.  But it seems like nothing is being set to voicemail or I'm reading it wrong.  When we look at the avg. time in queue, calls are in days.  How exactly does that work?  Are they being sent to VM after 5 min, but because no agent is assigned, the Avg time in queue still keeps ticking up?


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

Barry Neary  are 3rd party telephony integrations available yet with OCR


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Bobby Koch 


We have a range of APIs that could be used by a 3rd party telephony tool to integrate with our routing engine. do you have a specific telephony provider in mind?


cc: Widson Reis 


Hi Barry Neary 

If I'm not mistaken, I can't find an answer to Danielle's question:
It seems as if tickets that are reassigned, thus re-entering a custom routing queue, are being routed before the oldest tickets in that same custom queue. Is this expected, or should I open a support ticket for help? 

This is something we struggle with as well at the moment. 
- Ticket is created and enters a custom queue

- Ticket is assigned to an agent, is being worked on

- Ticket is unassigned from the agent and is assigned to a group

- Ticket enters the same custom queue it was originally in

- Newer tickets are being picked up first instead of this ticket

It seems as if omnichannel routing is looking at when a ticket has entered the queue and not when a ticket was created.


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Maarten Coghe 


Could you create a ticket with our support people and I can follow up? If you can include example ticket ids that would really help




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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

Barry Neary Talkdesk. We need to use omni-channel routing, ideally in Zendesk and with Messenger.. 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Bobby Koch 


Unfortunately Talkdesk would need to integrate with our omnichannel routing engine using the existing API endpoints that we have (they havent done so at this point). Alternatively , of course, you could switch to Zendesk Talk?


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

Talk does not have any way to do data lookups into the zendesk database, which is silly, and I have no idea what that roadmap looks like at all. It seems like it is better fit for ecommerce than it is enterprise support.. need to be able to use attributes about the person to present better option in the IVR Barry Neary  → do you know, is there anything coming like this from Talk? Data look ups, data dips, any advancement of the IVR?


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