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Automatically releasing agent capacity for messaging conversations

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Aimee Spanier

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Jan 21, 2025




Do the “recent responses” only apply to Messaging response? If a ticket was opened via Messaging but the agent is not only communicating with end-user via email, does that count as an “inactive mssaging ticket?”  If so, I'm particularly curious about whether the ticket status would keep updating to whatever is defined in this setting because I would want the agent to be able to manage the ticket status at that point. 


I'm trying to use this feature, but the directions do not match my environment. We do use Messaging and OmniChannel Routing.

Again, here are the directions I am following from this article:

  1. In Admin Center, click Channels in the sidebar, then select Messaging and social > Messaging.
  2. Click Manage settings.
  3. In the Advanced section, click Capacity release.

However, the only options under advanced settings are Email Identities and Conversation Control. There is no option for Capacity release.


Is this still available? Why can't I locate this setting following said directions?


I can not locate this setting also by following the said directions. Could you please enlighten us?




If I enable the auto-release capacity and the ticket with the open status is transferred to another group for follow-up, the system will also mark it as pending. In that case, the next agent in another group cannot follow up. How can we prevent that?


Why capacity release not available on our setting?


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Zendesk Luminary

We are starting to test this feature and some initial features we'd like is the ability to not change the status (ie. keep it Open) and to target this in triggers for tagging and other actions. 


I agree with Kris, no need to change the status as the ticket may need to be escalated, solved, or whatever. But simply releasing the capacity if its inactive would be the ideal feature. Because of this, we have not enabled it, unfortunately. 


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Zendesk Luminary

Not ideal, but we used a trigger to automate reopening the ones Capacity Release applied to since the only other way we set holds is manually via web so we were able to target them using channels. We don't have it on yet because we aren't migrated to the new backend yet.


Hi Kris, how did you trigger off  the capacity release being applied? I'm not seeing a condition for it in triggers.


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Zendesk Luminary

We have ours set to use On Hold so this is what ours looks like, so it's not targetable directly but since we only set things to On Hold manually otherwise for Messaging this is working for us for now (though we'd prefer something more specific):



Hey, if we enable this autorelease option will it also automatically end sessions if we have the “Ending sessions” option enabled?

I guess that it won't but it would be great if that was an option that you can choose if you enable the autorelease in such cases.


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