Add-on | AI agents - Advanced |
Below is a list of RegExes we’ve created in the past in alphabetical order:
Affirmative: Chat visitors writes anything that starts with y or Y, 5 letters to show affirmation
credit_card: Preset in dashboard
DOB 1: Date of birth examples YYYY-MM-DD, YYYYMMDD
DOB 2: Date of birth examples DD/MM/YYYY
- email: Preset in dashboard
- IBAN: Preset in dashboard
mobileNumber: Example of mobile number with or without prefix
Negative: Chat visitors writes anything that starts with n or N, 5 letters to show negation
orderNumber: Example: 8 or 16 digits, can include letters and / or numbers
PIN: 4-digit pin. Numbers only.
phoneNumber: Example of phone number (US, CA such as +1 NXX-NXX-XXXX or 01 NXX-NXX-XXXX or 001 NXX-NXX-XXXX)
(\d{0,3})?[ ()]?(?:[- ()]?\d[- ()]?){7}
URL: universal URL regEx
ZIP code: Example of ZIP code (Canada, such as A2B 3C4)
(\d{5}([ -]\d{4})?|[A-Z]\d[A-Z][ -]?\d[A-Z]\d)