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Sub-Organizations layer and end-user grouping


Posted Jan 26, 2021


I would like to divide my end-users to sub-organizations.

My customers are from the construction industry and every customer has more than one construction site.

A construction site is considered an entity for my business model.

Is there a way to have a sub-entity under Organizations? 

If not, is it possible to achieve that with your development tools?







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Kfir Luzon,

Will these end-users have different email domains? (i.e., or will they share domains?

If they have unique domains, you can create separate organizations for each 'sub-org' and add an org dropdown field to show they're connected


If they share the same domains, or there is no 'always true' logic, then i recommend creating sub organization fields - this way you can show that has multiple sub divisions, and then organize the end users by their sub divisions.

And w/ either logic, you can bulk-upload your customers using tags which will auto-apply them to the org and it's subdivision


Hi McCabe

Thanks for the quick reply.

It actually sounds interesting though I have one issue with that, I will not be able to have specific fields for Sub-Organizations as they are not organizations but only a field in the organization.

As for future statistics, I would like to be able in the future to know how many tickets were opened for each construction site. how can I manage that with a field? 

BTW, did you mean a ticket field or Organizational field? I guess it was organizational?

Thanks so much!


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If your end-users will always be a part of one "sub organization"; I think it'd be easiest to just create separate organizations and associate your end-users with their specific organization

i.e. "Acme - 1", "Acme - 2". That way there will be no confusion later down the line; and will make reporting easier 

You can, if needed allow customers to be a part of multiple organizations HERE, but it would seem like then you'd have an end user in both "Acme" and "Acme -1" organization. Although, I'm not sure this would be necessary or be more work and potential confusion. 

let me know your thoughts. 


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