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Audit Logs for Changes to Help Center/Guide/Gather


Posted May 26, 2021

Can anyone from Zendesk clarify or point to any article that explains if or what changes to  Help Center & Gather are captured in the Audit logs?  As a the public facing KB/Access point I find it odd that there appears to be zero loging in the audit logs for theme changes, them edits, etc.... I hope this is a oversight in documentation, else this enterprise tool has a MAJOR gap.






Hi Dave -

Here's our documentation on what is currently available in Guide History, namely actions taken by agents on articles: Viewing article events in History view

Obviously, that leaves a lot out, and you're not the first to want a history of changes in the Help Center and Community. Would you mind adding your thoughts to this product feedback thread? Add Guide Managers activities to Audit Log


Hi @..., can you please point me to any API endpoint that pulls the same data as the History view in Guide, if it's available? 


Hi Cassie, unfortunately I don't believe there's a way to access that information via API. The closest would be to use the "incremental" option on the List Articles endpoint, but that will just show you a list of the articles that were edited after a certain point in time, not the steps along the way like the History view shows you: List Articles


Hi Dave,

We are interested in the feature to have Guide user audits show file download history. FYI, I tried your 2nd link in your initial response email "Add Guide Manager activities to Audit Log" however I got an error when trying to resolve the page...



The page you were looking for doesn't exist"


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Sam,

It looks like that feedback post is no longer available. I would recommend creating a feedback post in our Feedback - Help Center (Guide) topic. 
You can use the following template when creating your post. 
I hope this helps!


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