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Embed contact form on contact page


Posted Jun 01, 2021

Hi there,

we are using the contact form through the web widget on our contact page. That means users need to first open the widget in order to see the button which opens the contact form. 

We would like to embed our contact form directly on the contact page. Meaning, the user opens our contact page and sees the contact form already open, ready to receive input. For now, we only need this in German, but there might be the need to also create forms for different languages on our other dedicated language URL's.

Since we are currently using SLA's within our contact form, the use of SLA's through the new contact form needs to be ensured as well.

Is there a way to do that?

Any help is appreciated.



1 comment

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Beau P.

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Patrick,

The web-widget is the only means by which to present a native Zendesk contact form on an external page. If you have your own contact form on your website, you can integrate it with Zendesk by using our API. To see an example, read the article: Building a custom ticket form with the Zendesk API Examples for creating requests via API can be found on this page:

Beau | Customer Advocate

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